You could hardly blame me for giving in - I am sure you would not want to find my bleached bones left out in the desert, would you?
If you are facing an interview, then I encourage you to email me for a 15-minute free consultation to learn more about how I have helped professionals go from second choice and no job offers to becoming the only choice and receiving multiple job offers.
Matthew 25 has long been a touchstone chapter for moderate and liberal Christians, who say the passage -- "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink" -- signals their focus on social justice concerns over hot-button cultural issues.
As an Israeli citizen who has voted for Meretz, one of Israel's most left-wing and pro-peace parties, for five straight elections, I assume you would place me in that hard-core category.
Let's say I go into a fast food restaurant and I ask for a cheese burger and the server smiles at me and says - You know, just for 40 American cents more you can get a larger size.
In the days ahead I will tell you much more about life on the Amtrak train -- for now, let me just leave you with the thought that there remain few better ways of discovering the many faces of the real America than to visit by rail, especially in an election year.
CNN: Amtrak train: No better way to connect with U.S. voters
Reprepsentative FRANK: Of course I believe it's better off for people to be out, and I give you one great example - me.
And he was good-natured about it and said, can't you just keep one, one case for me, so that when I come in - and I said, I tell you what, you let me know when you're coming in and I'll run across the street and buy you a bottle of flat still water and have it on your table.
He said, 'Thank you for telling me - I can't talk about this.
And I want all of you to know right off the bat how much I appreciate what each and every one of you has done -- not just for me but for the country.
Now, I've said this before, I'll repeat it again -- it's not for me to tell you to be patient, any more than it was for others to counsel patience to African Americans petitioning for equal rights half a century ago. (Applause.) But I will say this: We have made progress and we will make more.
It is wonderful to be here, and I just want to say thank you for our hosts at KSU for -- or CSU, rather, excuse me -- for their hospitality.
WHITEHOUSE: Winning the Future Forum on Small Business: Opening Session | The White House
Except for feeling wiped out, I was back to sounding authoritative and in control, even tilting my head and smirking sheepishly as if to say, You'll forgive me for that little freak-out I just had.
CNN: Robin Meade talks anxiety and her road to self-confidence
To install on the Windows 8 PC, I used a product key given to me by Microsoft for pre-release testing, otherwise you would have to go to to buy a subscription and get a product key. (A free 30-day trial is available.) The Windows 8 PC install took about 20 minutes, and a helpful introduction walked me through key points of Office 365.
WSJ: Review of Office 365: A Fresh New Office Finds a Place in the Cloud
And having a chance to meet with all of you I think has given me great hope for the future of U.S.-China relations.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
Humor me for a moment while I tell you about my granddaughter, a beautiful woman-to-be who just might change the world.
"I can tell you -- and I think I speak for almost everybody -- if it's in front of me, I eat it, " said Bloomberg.
But let me tell you what my parents did do for me, which I know many people share this story -- my parents saved for us.
"I say thank you to God for giving me this opportunity, but I still had to make things happen - I'm delighted, " added Basso, who is a devout Christian.
The operations tempo has gotten to the point for me, from having left the Army, that you just - I really don't think that we can go on too much longer.
And, yes, we are going to keep fighting to fix a health system that too often works better for the insurance industry than it does for the American people. (Applause.) Now, I -- you heard me at the State of the Union -- I didn't take this on because it was good politics.
But for me, as a film-maker, I choose to make a movie to tell you this is my concern.