If it is a national crisis I may give in my gold jewellery but not otherwise.
Confused as to whether dream emails actually count and fretting at the edges of sleep, I finally give in to the siren call, rouse Jamie and we head back out in the Cayman.
That's certainly not how it works in my marriage with Michelle, although I usually do give in most of the time. (Laughter.) But the -- there's got to be some give and take, and that's what I'm hoping can be accomplished.
"I hope this will give me confidence to go in there and believe in myself a bit more than I have in the past and give myself a shot at winning, " he said.
Most people report that the Irish Coffee was invented in San Francisco around 1952, and I will give that weight in that this drink became popular in the U.S. then.
So I just haven't gotten any more fulsome answer than what I heard him give in the interview.
Joe gave up his privacy for a year, and now I give up participating in something that has been professionally and personally gratifying.
WSJ: Why I Stopped Writing the Checks & Balances Column for The Wall Street Journal
So, the advice I give business leaders in my seminars is to take some time right now to strategically define who you want to be, and what you want to be know as, and then to live that definition in every interaction.
FORBES: Reputation Trumps All -- Define Your Brand and Live It in the New Year, and Beyond
But in January 2012, I saw Rubio give a speech in Miami that gave me hope that he was coming around.
When students present in class I give them instant private feedback about how they could improve their presentations, in my experience this generation loves to get quick feedback, perhaps it is the influence of hours of videogames where you know how you do straightaway.
When I vote, I vote for peace in whatever guise that may be, I don't vote to keep up the divides in this place, I don't vote to give a mandate to those who maintain the conflict and in a perverse way I think enjoy the conflict.
So I refuse to give up hope yet in Chief Justice Roberts and I do think regardless of whether he continues to vote with Scalia and Thomas, we'll just see someone who has more respect for the court as an institution as ultimately more concerned about how it fits into society than Scalia and Thomas are.
So, for 2012 I give the Worst Job In The World Award to the Al Qaeda Mole.
FORBES: Worst Job Ever: Infiltrating Al Qaeda To Steal A Bomb
"I can give assurances that in the majority of cases, no failings have been attributed to the health board, " he said.
There's enough evidence to suggest we will give Rapid problems in Vienna and I know we can give Hapoel problems here.
That is the same reason that I try to give Joe Granville credit in my articles about on balance volume or Welles Wilder when I talk about the RSI or ADX.
In the last few days I studied the players and I know exactly what they can give in energy.
While I was disappointed by what happened in 1994, I did not give up.
I'll give you just -- I said I was in Tampa.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Remarks at CEO Summit Of The Americas | The White House
Maybe when I have some time in the future, I'll give these new episodes another try, but if I'm looking for my 'Arrested Development' fix, I'll just go back to the original banana stand.
Best of all perhaps, they're intimate: When I give someone headphones, I can think of myself whispering in their ears.
WSJ: Dan Ariely, Author of Predictably Irrational, on Holiday Gifts
Instead, I want to give every business in America a tax break so they can write off the cost of all new equipment they buy next year.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: GOP Rewarding Corporations that Create Jobs Overseas | The White House
So without further hedging I am going to go out on a limb and predict Phillips will win, not because he is better, but because in recent years the Idol voting has skewed pro-male, which I think will give him the slightest edge in what would otherwise be a dead heat.
So I did mention the Columbian situation in my article because I wanted to give credit to that view that says we shouldn't deal with kidnapping because the consequences are so bad.
In these instances, I often give the client two assignments: the first one has the client assess his or her current satisfaction in a variety of segments in life.
FORBES: Expectations at Sea: Planning Your Finances Rationally
"Our country's pursuing a new strategy in Iraq, and I ask you to give it a chance to work, " Bush said in Tuesday evening's 50-minute address.
The only way I would be willing to give up present consumption to invest in somebody else is because I believe I can increase my wealth by doing it.
So I believe that everybody should be prepared to give up something in order to solve our budget challenges, and I think most public servants agree with that.
Later, I will give you some key levels in the ten-year T-Note yield to watch.
FORBES: The Week Ahead: Are Stocks Too Far Ahead of the Economy?