The most common phrase uttered to me - and not at rallies or public events but in meetings of chance, quietly, is not "I hate you" or "I like you" but "I would not have your job for all the world".
"Today we have too many people saying not only 'I disagree with you, ' but 'I hate your message and you shouldn't be allowed to say it, '" notes Mr. Smith, who now runs the Center for Competitive Politics.
And I hate to disappoint you, but he does use all of those things now.
"But if you really know me, if you are my friend and I leave you inside my house and you share the day with me, you will know I hate to lose, " he said.
At some point as much as I hate to say it you have to say no.
I'd hate for you to squander any goodwill toward Glass before the rest of us have a go at it.
And I hate to say it, you might need to pay for a little advice and see if you are well-diversified.
"I hate the first round - you get so many nerves - but all the British girls deserve to be in the semis, " said Meadows.
Mr. DIETZ: You know, I hate to say it, we were on the right street at the right time.
But really what you're describing is something a little more, you know, I hate to use the word mundane, but everyday illnesses that become deadly.
And she said, you know, I hate it when people tell me that my son was shot because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Whether you love it or hate it, Whitney Houston's hit "I Will Always Love You, " with its elongated "iiieeee-eyes" and "ooooeeeooos, " is a prime example.
So with that in mind, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you might be in need of a large roll of duct tape if any these traits remind you of yourself.
FORBES: Do You Talk Too Much? 6 Telltale Signs You're a Blabbermouth
Staff: Sir, I hate to bring this to a close, but I know you're at the end of your time here.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters
Recently I posed this simple question on Twitter: Do you love or hate Valentine's Day?
Add to this the use of quick time events (QTEs) and a story that feels stretched beyond its natural limits, and you have a franchise that is in serious need of change or, and I hate to say this, retirement.