And I just don't have -- as it relates to the situation in Algeria, I just don't have more information for you at this time.
"I'm not bashing anybody don't have anything against anyone I just don't understand it, " NFL receiver Mike Wallace tweeted Monday.
"We sat down and I said 'I want to retire, I just don't think I've got it anymore', " she said.
Mr. MEFFERT: I can't sit there and say well, I'm sorry, I just don't want to break this law, so ya'll, you know, you guys are going to have to go figure something else out.
Honestly to bet on tennis as a tennis player I just don't think that's right.
"I just don't buy that this was a couple of rogue IRS employees, " said Sen.
But I just don't think that he is some terrible monster from the Black Lagoon.
"I just don't know what to think of the violence we've seen here, " he added.
That's a journey I just don't want us to even start out on in this country.
BBC: Mark Pritchard MP warns of right-to-die law change 'row'
God forbid anything happens, I just don't know how they can say this without proving it.
So I just don't know the framework within which we want to proceed on that.
At weekends I just don't want to drive around because of these Olympic wannabes.
Beyond that, I just don't -- I'm not going to engage in this kind of process.
"I just don't think that's where the world of myocardial repair is going, " he said.
That is why I just don't think it plausible that these weapons were used.
"I just don't see the Google phone as a vehicle for Google in the U.S., " Golvin says.
But beyond that, I just don't know and I would refer you to the Department of Commerce.
"I just don't understand how someone could have a dog like that about their home, " he said.
"I just don't know that we can do sitcoms that are loud enough and noisiest enough, " Ostroff says.
"Beyond that, I just don't know yet, " he said in a nationally broadcast interview hours before the critical vote.
"I just don't understand it, we were offering both languages and everyone was having a good time, " he said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Language knocks out Punch and Judy
"At this stage, I just don't know, so all I can do is acknowledge it's a possibility, " Cashman said.
"I just don't feel like I can emotionally handle it, " she told the judge Monday, while fighting back tears.
"There's so much stuff about you that I just don't know, " Dr. Danielson tells the nonplussed student early on.
She gets on with her life, I just don't want her getting involved in all this sort of mess.
"I just don't know at what price we would be comfortable taking a position on the long side, " he said.
"My guess is Liberty looks at everything, but I just don't see them as being the logical buyer for Yahoo!"
Sometimes I'm left with - you know, I just don't watch the news anymore because it just makes me angry.
"I just don't understand what would draw somebody to do something like that, " Ms Duschl told US television station WMAR-TV.