"I just think it's unfinished business for Joe because there's been a big rivalry, " Hennessey said.
It's - I just think it's stunning to many people that Washington, D.
So I just think it's, you know, it's just a fascinating phenomenon.
But the reality is, I think, it's probably going to be - I just think it's going to be the story of the games.
"I just think it's time, " Rove told The Wall Street Journal.
"I just think it's appalling really that they can discharge an 85-year-old lady with dementia into a taxi... anything could have happened to her, " she said.
Craig Bellamy can still play at a higher level, no doubt about that, I just think it's the circumstances he finds himself in are a bit unfortunate.
"I just think it's just silly to think that the timing of it would be at all related to any other events that are going on, " he said.
"I want to work on some areas of my game and improve my batting and I just think it's a great opportunity for me, " Clarke told BBC Sport.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Counties | Hampshire | Clarke hopes to bloom at Rose Bowl
Ms. JOYCE KAUFMAN (Co-Chair, Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar Association): I just think it's very sad that rather than abide by those laws, they've just pulled out altogether.
"I just think it was about the ride and losing myself, getting caught up in that, and doing all those things along the way that enabled that, " he said.
"I just think it gives people a better sense of security and makes them feel more safe to be prepared for whatever will happen next, " store employee Kyana Miner said.
Now, finally, I just think it makes sense for us to give it up for all of our outstanding American athletes who are competing in London right now. (Applause.) I want to congratulate Michael Phelps -- (applause) -- most medals we've ever seen.
"I just think it's a matter of removing the stigma of having a 'problem, ' which is sort of already happening, " said Yeager, who said he didn't write his essay as part of a mission to spread the word about drinking and young people but is thrilled if his story helps raise awareness.
This movie, to me, I think--I mean, it's why we made it, is I really just think it's important, and I really feel it has an impact.
As I was saying I think just the other day, I think it's a fallacy to assume that there cannot be significant accomplishments on Capitol Hill this year just because it's an election year.
You know, I just think that it's important to broaden the overall view of us as black males and as black females, man, you know?
And so, I just think that it was sort of the nucleus of the family to go back to, better than being isolated, perhaps, in a state that, maybe grudgingly, allowed interracial marriage.
And I don't - I personally just - I think that it should be up to the Iraqis to take care of themselves, I guess.
Ms. TAYLOR: You know, this argument that the Obama campaign makes about how they've won more states and they're going into, you know, Kansas and Nebraska and other rural states that Democrats haven't been competitive in, you know, I think it's just fallacy to think that a Democrat, regardless of who it is, Clinton or Obama, is going to be able to win those states in a general election.
I'm not sure, I think it just means there's no reason to worry.
"I just think that doing it in the wake of an old lady's death doesn't reflect terribly well on us, " he told BBC Radio 5 live's Pienaar's Politics.
"Even though I was the one responsible initiating that code, I just thought it was so exciting, and I think everybody felt it last Thursday morning, " Santiago-Munoz said Monday.
"I just think we mis-estimated it, and I think the sooner we come to that realization and set ourselves up for the long term, the better off we will be, " White told CNN in a telephone interview.
Look, I think we have to discipline ourselves on earmarks just because symbolically I think people -- it makes people feel like we're not showing the same kind of discipline that they are.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
"I'm really not materialistic, but I just didn't think it would work out, " she said.
That is why I just don't think it plausible that these weapons were used.