It was clear, it was - I mean, there was a lot of chatter about the record and maybe people, you know, watched CNN and start to report about the fact that they're doing this download, you know, buy as you what you want and they did the public radio method which I loved, you know?
You know, Spike Lee did that with "Clockers" with Mekhi Phifer, I mean, you know, he got him, you know, from nowhere.
Mr. MELDRUM: Well, I managed to stay as long as I did because I had, you know, established Zimbabwe as my home, and I had a permanent residence in Zimbabwe.
Well, I mean, it means about the same as it did, you know, when I was a kid living in Texas.
"I'm very proud of what the guys in my company did and, you know, I'm proud to have known them, " he says.
After watching NCAA basketball all day Sunday I know what you did.
The 25-year-old has forged a career away from Buffy, starring in the blockbusters including I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scooby-Doo.
And you know I did 133 events for them.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with President Obama and President Clinton
"I did see, you know, some parallels between what I had to deal with in flying airplanes and flying the space shuttle and what I had to deal with in handling this situation, " Kelly told Morgan in 2011.
Did these candidates come across - I know I'm asking you for your impression, but did they come across as if they were pandering?
"Every time I meet something I did not know existed I say, 'Nice to meet you, ' because it extended my idea of what life is about and that is what Ferran is doing, " says Vincente Todoli, former curator of London's Tate Modern.
This may come as a surprise, for as some of you know, I did not come from a particularly religious family.
I'm not a perfect man -- Michelle can tell you that. (Laughter.) But you know what I did say?
And I was wondering did Shockley, you know, did he ever have any - was there any involvement by Jack Kilby in this work?
And, you know, I did one piece on this - and I'll finish up with this - just about the issue of politicization of intelligence.
And when you disenfranchise women, people of color, the environment, the work place, a highly racial partial judge, I don't, you know, I don't fault any senator for what they did.
We can do the "you know and I know they did" thing all day long, but neither Barry Bonds nor Roger Clemens was ever banned, suspended or disciplined by Major League Baseball for being a steroids cheat.
And I think that when people look back in five years time at, you know, what did, what did Virgin do for this country, I think what we've done - what we will have done for the train network in this country, will be one of the most important things.
Mr. President, I want our fellow citizens to know how much you did to carry on this tradition.
You need to know what to do so you can put the fire out faster than I did.
And I think in that sense of like is there -you know, did she - was she the main draw?
But the one thing I did get out of all of that was, you know, work as hard as you possibly can, over again.
One thing that you did mention about having things on hand, I know in the D.
With regards to the comment about the Office of Management and Budget, I mean, as you know, because your paper covered it, as did all papers -- this was all explored both in newspapers and in a congressional hearing nine months ago.
WHITEHOUSE: Gaggle aboard Air Force One en route Orlando, FL,