You know how I love talking about books, and you know how I adore receiving compliments.
"I just want you to know how much I appreciate being with you, with my immediate family and with my Wolfeboro family, " Mr. Romney said.
Listening, I think, You will never know how much I understand you.
To my fellow immigrants listening tonight, I want you to know how welcome you are in this party.
BBC: NEWS | Americas | Full text: Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech
And that is how Barack and I, and I know how so many of you, were raised.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- La Jolla, CA
But first I want to let you know how much I applaud your efforts on behalf of this country.
I'm not letting you know how I define whimsy.
CNN: Independence day: For our children it can be summer camp
"When you create a world as huge as the one she has created, I don't know how you can keep all that in your head, " Mr. Ball said.
You know, this is just too pretty. (Laughter.) I don't know how you guys get any work done around here. (Laughter.) It is spectacular today. (Applause.) Spectacular.
"I don't know how you and your family sleep at night, " Tiffany says she told Deborah.
"I don't know how you'd keep the public out, but we'll have to figure something, " he said.
"I don't know how you'd locate News of the World readers, " she explains, " but anyone can see the advertisers".
"I don't know how you can sit outside for a basketball game for that long, " Miami guard Durand Scott said.
"I couldn't watch the whole video -- I don't know how you live through it, " wrote one woman, Marykate, in an online post.
"I don't know how you deal with that one, " added Stittleburg, who's also chief of the La Farge, Wisconsin, Fire Department, an all-volunteer agency.
As far as ranking all time pitchers, I don't know how you'd break that down, but he's pretty close to the top no matter what.
Everything - anything is possible I assume, but we look at it and go that - I don't know how you can go clean this up.
"In the respect that I believe that the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy is working in the military, I don't know how you view that, " the Republican senator said.
"I don't want to feel like a spoilsport, but I don't know how you can set them off safely given the potential they have to cause fires, " she said.
But I also know how you've managed to meet them, and managed through them -- experimenting and innovating and finding new ways to increase productivity and better serve your customers.
WHITEHOUSE: Forum on Modernizing Government: Opening Session
"I don't know how you can be a coach at any level today if you don't put your players first, " he said earlier this week, uttering words that surely never passed through Bill Parcells's lips.
And I want all of you to know right off the bat how much I appreciate what each and every one of you has done -- not just for me but for the country.
And I just wonder, what's your sense of how - you know, I know it's a difficult question.
So, you know, I don't know how much of a difference it's making but we're trying.
We stopped with the team at the Lincoln Memorial, and I know how much you admired Lincoln.
Lincoln replied: I'm glad you know how to talk to a civilian.
And I know how hard you all are working at school.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at Girls Inc. of Omaha Event
Voiding the bequest was the "draconian" suggestion of former House Democratic Counsel Stanley Brand: "I don't know how else you remedy it, " Brand told The Washington Post.
CNN: Commentary: Thorny thicket of Bill and Hillary Clinton conflicts?