"But I know many people who are not happy with the content, " she said.
But let me tell you what my parents did do for me, which I know many people share this story -- my parents saved for us.
Finally, I know many people believe the dollar should be strong and stronger under all circumstances, but there are times when an appreciating dollar does more harm than good.
As we head into Labor Day weekend, I know many people across this country are concerned about what the future holds for themselves, for their families, and for the economy as a whole.
And I know many people approach the holidays in the same way in their own lives, and that at this time of year for so many people, they are looking for opportunities to give thanks and to give back.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Previews Holidays at the White House
Mr. MCWHORTER: Well, you know the way I feel about it, although I know for many people this would raise hackles, is that those people aren't leaving.
"I know that many people are naturally concerned going into the new year, " she said.
While I know many other people have faced enormous difficulties, on the health front I have been very lucky so far.
Yes I know that many people are happy with their add-on keyboards and there are plenty of Office knock-offs available for the iPad.
And I know that many people, including Congressman Joe Walsh, himself a fellow Chicagoan who taught in the inner-city schools, said Head Start has considerable administrative problems.
For example, with well over 500 connections on Facebook I have discovered many things about people I know regarding their personal, religious, and moral beliefs that sometimes surprise me, and often conflict with my own beliefs.
FORBES: Path, Privacy, and the Challenges Facing Small Social Networks
And I received so many beautiful moments from this kind of music that I really hope that many young people can know, understand and love this music.
It's astonishing to me that so many people I know have never had the roast-goose experience.
Among the many people I know in private equity, where I now work, fewer than 1% are openly gay.
To know I have made so many people happy, I'm a bit overwhelmed.
When we did the Easter Egg Roll, and we walked out with the -- I don't know how many people saw that.
But sitting in this huge theater with, I don't know how many people, 2, 500 people, you had the feeling that you were under the sea in an octopus' garden.
In recent times, both have disappointed me and so many other people I know.
The most effective people I know, many of them in leadership positions, are unimpressed by positions or titles.
After my long-winded tirade here, I would just like to know how many other people encountered the same problem?
FORBES: How To Save Money On Calls And Data From A Cruise Ship
"I'm amazed at what I can sell to people, " said Joe, sounding like many sommeliers I know.
WSJ: The Everyday Sommelier on the Corner | On Wine by Lettie Teague
Speaking of educated people, I personally know of many top-flight public schools that are as good as or better than the better private schools.
"I know that will be a culture shock for many people but for many more it will be a lifeline, " he told the BBC News Channel.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Well, I think him as many people do, you know, as kind of a maverick figure.
Apart from my classical training in piano, I have learned everything I know about music by watching other people -- many of them the best in their fields -- play online.
Either you can have a single payer system, or -- which, I know, a lot of people favor, but for many reasons, is difficult to achieve.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
And I think that the thing that many people want to know is there are plenty of people who seem to want to talk trash, you know, in leaflets, on Web sites or wherever, but do we have any sense of why and when it crosses over into violence?