"I know of at least one set of negotiations that is going on, " he said.
The closest analog I know of is when you suddenly become aware of a ticking clock.
"Every company I know of is interested in this, " says Plexxikon Chief Executive Peter Hirth.
Few travel publications or any websites that I know of pay full expenses these days.
"I know of no evidence that Redux, given by itself, causes heart valve damage, " Wurtman says.
Among traditional media companies, FORBES is the only one I know of charting a new course.
FORBES: Inside Forbes: Amid the Finger Pointing, Journalists Need to Explore New Payment Models
Mr. BERMAN: Well, it is the only defense that I know of, quite frankly.
In my local Seattle area, I know of only one and it is very popular: Metrix:CreateSpace.
"Nobody that I know of is trying to keep a package from passing, " he said.
We were actually the first cupcake bakery that I know of that opened outside of Manhattan.
John Cioffi runs the first company I know of that is named after his wife.
But, i know of several women that do and that has become the main reason for many brutal divorces.
As a former investment banker on Wall Street I know of the importance of a diverse portfolio.
Yes, I know of the embargo, something you might be able to work out ended 8 months ago.
Sadly, there are no photos of my grandmother doing a keg stand in existence (that I know of).
Russia is one of the few countries I know of where you can have an important government job.
The best way I know of to compare countries is via the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report.
FORBES: It's Not That the Euro Will Fail, It's That It Should Fail
"There is no discussion that I know of to change that, " he said.
My friends Mike and Steve at SMB Capital know more about reading the tape than anyone else I know of.
There is no program that I know of that would justify anyone to make false statements concerning readiness of a program.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Now Hear This: The Commandant Speaks Out on the V-22
"The only retailer that I know of that is recycling is IKEA, " she says, referring to the Swedish-owned furniture chain store.
The best way I know of to be treated like a strategic business partner is to think and act like one.
FORBES: What's a Strategic Business Partner, and Can I Be One?
But also, I think, people will think, well, I know lots of wealthy women of color and I know lots of poor white women.
It actually all starts rather earlier than that. 1899 or so with Ernest Seligman is the earliest example that I know of.
FORBES: Bloomberg's Jonathan Weil Is Simply Wrong Here About Apple's Taxes
Another example I know of is of NHL Hockey Player, Craig Muni.
After decades of experience in national security, I know the reach of our power and I know the power of our ideals.
It - I know of two cases in the last year where it took between two and four days for the cultures to come back.
The Clearinghouse is not monitoring my Twitter feed (that I know of).
FORBES: Traveling this summer? Don't forget to pack your privacy.