And so I want everybody to know that I have already called Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to invite them to a meeting here at the White House in the first week of the lame duck on November 18th.
Mr. TOM HANKS (Actor): You know, I know probably a lot of you know that I'm in a new movie that's coming out called The Da Vinci Code.
For instance, I know that Prime Minister Brown called an election in the United Kingdom and because of that and I think upcoming debates is not going to be somebody who will be attending.
But that one I called "The Dana Owens Album" because I wanted people to know that this was in me from the beginning.
Rep. MATHESON: Well, there are various stories about that, and it was a little before my time, but the story that I usually tell is that, you know, we had a term for a long time in politics called the Yellow Dog Democrat, which is that people would say I'll vote for a Democrat even if it's a yellow dog.
Some of you probably know that last month, I sent Congress a piece of legislation called the American Jobs Act.
WHITEHOUSE: President and Mrs Obama on the American Jobs Act Bus Tour
But I also know that nearly a century after Teddy Roosevelt first called for reform, the cost of our health care has weighed down our economy and our conscience long enough.
But I also know that nearly a century after Teddy Roosevelt first called for reform, the cost of our health care has weighed down our economy and the conscience of our nation long enough.
All I know about this mule is that he's American and he's called Steve.
So, you know, I called it a bold move in my introduction, but is it really that bold of a move?
Anyone who knows how heavy industry used to work in Scotland - shipbuilding is the example I know best - knows that for generations promotion was out of the question if you went to a school called St Anything's.
By now, a fairly wide assortment of pop-music fans would know what I was talking about if I noted that, in the late 1960s, bandleader Fela Kuti invented a style called Afrobeat with the key collaboration of his drummer, Tony Allen.