And so I want everybody to know that I have already called Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to invite them to a meeting here at the White House in the first week of the lame duck on November 18th.
Mr. TOM HANKS (Actor): You know, I know probably a lot of you know that I'm in a new movie that's coming out called The Da Vinci Code.
For instance, I know that Prime Minister Brown called an election in the United Kingdom and because of that and I think upcoming debates is not going to be somebody who will be attending.
Before I get started, I just wanted to let you know that the President earlier today called Mark Kelly to express his appreciation to Congresswoman Giffords and to thank them both for their patriotism and dedication to the United States.
But that one I called "The Dana Owens Album" because I wanted people to know that this was in me from the beginning.
And I have called for a 12 month timeline in Iraq because I believe, you know, that until we give them a timeline, it's going to be human nature for them to sit on the sidelines, because it's dangerous work.
Rep. MATHESON: Well, there are various stories about that, and it was a little before my time, but the story that I usually tell is that, you know, we had a term for a long time in politics called the Yellow Dog Democrat, which is that people would say I'll vote for a Democrat even if it's a yellow dog.
Some of you probably know that last month, I sent Congress a piece of legislation called the American Jobs Act.
WHITEHOUSE: President and Mrs Obama on the American Jobs Act Bus Tour
But I also know that nearly a century after Teddy Roosevelt first called for reform, the cost of our health care has weighed down our economy and our conscience long enough.
But I also know that nearly a century after Teddy Roosevelt first called for reform, the cost of our health care has weighed down our economy and the conscience of our nation long enough.
All I know about this mule is that he's American and he's called Steve.
So, you know, I called it a bold move in my introduction, but is it really that bold of a move?
Anyone who knows how heavy industry used to work in Scotland - shipbuilding is the example I know best - knows that for generations promotion was out of the question if you went to a school called St Anything's.
By now, a fairly wide assortment of pop-music fans would know what I was talking about if I noted that, in the late 1960s, bandleader Fela Kuti invented a style called Afrobeat with the key collaboration of his drummer, Tony Allen.
You know that this President has called attention to the deterioration in this region for quite some time, and I think Secretary Clinton was very candid about this yesterday, and that what is happening is the central foreign policy focus -- what is happening in Pakistan and Afghanistan are the central foreign policy focus of this administration.