• They are not part of the ongoing court action, and I don't want to mislead you on that, but I certainty want you to know that I think that they're serious allegations.

    CNN: Transcript: Gore talks with reporters outside the White House

  • But on a lot of the really big issues that the Republicans have trumpeted for the last 10 to 15 years, you know, I just think that they are, you know, undermining us as a nation.

    NPR: Despite Polls, Hillary Clinton Is Optimistic About S.C.

  • And, you know, I think that you've got to take it with a grain of salt.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall in New Orleans

  • But, you know, I think the coalition that you mentioned, I think you could probably cobble together some type of message around a coalition of those also supporting him.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I don't think -you know, I think that that it is unfortunate that we're at that point.

    NPR: The Significance of MLK's Personal Papers

  • And I just want you to know that I think we probably can all agree on the major initiatives.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Vice President Biden Address National Governors Association | The White House

  • And so, you know, for me I think that that really resonated, you know, in terms, you know, we know that there is no Good Samaritan laws in most states.

    NPR: 17 min 50 sec

  • Before we get going on questions I just want to reiterate again that -- I think most of you know that we'll be doing a briefing call on Asia, on the Asia trip.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And I think that, you know, again that the age difference - the age question matters with voters and I think McCain would have to look for a younger running mate.

    NPR: Political Junkie: Three Weeks to Pennsylvania

  • But I know, as I think you do, that our country is strongest when we lead the world, when we lead strong alliances.

    NPR: Transcript of Second Bush-Kerry Debate

  • And I know that a lot of you think that probably most attention was devoted to the speech that I delivered, the keynote speech in Boston, but in fact actually the most challenging problem was what tie to wear.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • You know, I want to do everything I possibly can for my own child, but I think, you know, that there's this loss of the value of learning those lessons from failure, and I think it's just getting worse, and it definitely worries me.

    NPR: Ask Amy: Responding to the Thin Envelope

  • But I think that if it's just, you know, 100 people, 150 people, I think the court would say the way to handle that is individually case by case, and it doesn't make the law unconstitutional as a whole.

    NPR: High Court Supports Indiana Voter ID Law

  • Professor RICHARD PILDES (Law, New York University): But I think that if it's just, you know, 100 people, 150 people, I think the court would say the way to handle that is individually, case-by-case, and it doesn't make the law unconstitutional as a whole.

    NPR: Supreme Court Upholds Indiana's Voter ID Law

  • Again, I think it was -- I'll go back and pull a quote from I think from Senator Graham on "Meet The Press" that said, you know, we can -- I think I've got this right -- that we could put a million troops there, but if you don't have a partner that's working with you, none of that's going to matter.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Like, my daughter's in Guam right now, you know, and that's supposed to be relatively safe, but, you know, I just think that if women are qualified for the job and they want to go, they should have the option of going, but yet at the same time, if they don't want to be there, they should have that option, too.

    NPR: Women in Combat: Rules and Reality

  • And I think that, you know, you look it like - excuse me - like if you - I think most of them would rather not have their best - favorite player on steroids.

    NPR: In the Era of Sports Scandal, Pity the Fan

  • Ms. WITTER: Yeah, and she was - candidate - she was a wife of the vice president, but I think that there is a party difference and I think the party's are different because they have different values and I think that, you know, the first person who almost was the first woman president was a Democrat, and I do think that speaks to how the two parties view women.

    NPR: Candidate's Wives Put Under the Microscope

  • And, you know, I think the one thing that, you know, I find is helpful is just to keep a sense of humor about yourself and not take yourself too seriously and understand that when you're in this process, you know, there're going to be some days where, you know, you get knocked around a little bit.

    NPR: Before Midterms, a Chat with Sen. Barack Obama

  • He should be entitled to go at a time that he decides and in the proper, dignified way and that process should be well managed and I think that you know, all my colleagues are conscious of this.

    BBC: Hazel Blears

  • And I am -- I'm -- you know, unfortunately, I don't think that they are typical of America, but you can still take a lot of wonderful lessons from what you heard from these people.

    CNN: Transcript of May 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'

  • Mr. KAGAN: No, I don't, and I think, you know, that the current craze for the decline of America is tremendously overstated.

    NPR: Role of U.S. Changing in New World Order

  • I'm going to get her counsel and I'm going to try to be helpful to her as much as I possibly can, both with the lawyer, and I've already done what I could about the job, and I think you ought to know that.


  • But I need to say something that might be not you know very politically correct now, but I don't think that we should forget that in the past twenty or thirty years Egypt had a leapfrog in its economy and the achievements of the last period in the economic front should not be forgotten.

    BBC: Transcript of Hatem Seif el Nasr interview

  • You know, I think of that song as having a sort of jazz cast to it, you know?

    NPR: James Taylor Gets Ready for Summer Tour

  • I'm doubting she'll go into a lot of detail, but I think that, you know, in time we will hear from these women what happened and some of it will make a little bit more sense.

    NPR: The Missing Women Were Seemingly In Plain Sight

  • So, I think the stock market is signaling the fact that, you know, by, let's say the summer, I think at the latest, we'll, you know, maybe the first quarter will have the job growth.

    FORBES: Intelligent Investing Briefing Book

  • You know, it was one of those things where I think what I actually emailed you was, that, you know, no good deed in America by a man of color goes unpunished and this was a perfect example of that.

    NPR: 17 min 50 sec

  • So I want to share something with you that my husband Dr. Davis and I think is important to know and to keep in mind if you are spending time with your family this Christmas holiday.

    FORBES: How To Calm Family Conflict

  • And, you know, that's fine but I think what's - you're inevitably going to alienate those hard - your core audience.

    NPR: In the Era of Sports Scandal, Pity the Fan

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