Apply the attributes consistently and I know you will get the results I describe.
"You are an amazing and strong woman and I know you will beat this!"
Well, George, we're going to certainly keep looking at this case, and I know you will.
John, I know you are and I know you will be successful.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Peres of Israel Speak at State Dinner | The White House
And, cadets, as I look into your eyes -- as you join that Long Blue Line -- I know you will carry us even farther, and even higher.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at the Air Force Academy Commencement Ceremony | The White House
And I can't thank you both enough for what you have done for this country, what you are doing and I know you will continue to do for the rest of your lives.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Biden Speak on the Joining Forces Anniversary | The White House
And they performed a "WIGGLE" test. (I know you will find this hard to believe, but that is NOT an acronym for Wire Integration Gross Gyration Looseness Exam -- it's just a plain old wiggle test.) In any case, the wires all checked out -- and on went the flow toward a January 19 launch.
What you've said here today, what you've been saying for eight years, what you stand for, and what I know you will continue to do in the future, is exactly what we're talking about in this citation, about inspiring those who will hopefully be carrying the torch forward with you, and after your departure from the Senate.
You know that I know that you will see 'cause that was once me.
He was so proud that you were his big brother and I know that you will continue to live your life in a way that will make him proud.
And now that we have resolved to finish it I know that you will play your part with calmness and courage.
And I know that you will help us deliver the kinds of growth, prosperity and job creation here in America that we all want.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates New Commerce Secretary
So I know that you will never stop to strive for a better world, as you said today in a good Hebrew -- tikkun olam.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Peres of Israel Speak at State Dinner | The White House
"I know that you will always remember him as a giant of a man on stage with a heart for every one of you, " Mom J wrote.
And I know that you will do so with the same sense of purpose, the same sense of patriotism that have defined your days at this Academy.
For you are in a better place where I know we will see you some day.
Well as I said in the interview with Giles, I said you know we will look at this and discuss it as reasonable people and say are there ways in which we can retain what essentially the essence of it is all about but actually get rid of the idea that it focuses in or stigmatises one particular group.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Conservative leadership contender Iain Duncan Smith
"I will get to the bottom of it and I will let you know the results of what I found, " Deutch told the packed auditorium, guarded by sharpshooters and hundreds of Los Angeles police.
CNN: Deutch confronts angry L.A. residents in town hall meeting
"But if you really know me, if you are my friend and I leave you inside my house and you share the day with me, you will know I hate to lose, " he said.
And I want all of you to know, I will bet on the American worker any day of the week!
Listening, I think, You will never know how much I understand you.
And, cadets, as you look to trade the proud uniform of your team for the proud uniform of your country, I want you to know that this country will stand by you and do everything possible to help you succeed and come home safe.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents the Commander-in-Chief Trophy
And cadets, I want you to know that these people will always be there for you.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at West Point Graduation Banquet | The White House
"I know that many of you will continue to raise awareness and will continue to fight for funding in Africa, " Jackson read.
Now, I know that some of you will disagree with this assessment.
But I know it will cause you grief as well, explanations, more work, stopping everything in its tracks and coming up with valid reasons for why.