When I first read this, I laughed aloud (well, more like snorted) in surprise.
When I was writing it, there were definitely times that I laughed and there were times that I cried.
They tickled my toes, hugged me when I laughed, dug their faces into my neck and inhaled deeply before kissing.
"Initially I laughed at the idea of such a limit, but now understand that this is not as fanciful as it sounds, " said Ms Radcliffe.
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Though I laughed at the warning sign depicting a stick-figure falling head-first off the cliffs, I made sure to keep a safe distance from the drop-off for fear that the wind might actually propel me over.
The hypothesis was so exotic that I laughed.
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When I got up, I laughed at myself.
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And as a woman, I admit that I have laughed at offensive moments in movies like The Hangover.
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When the person I was to meet with came in the lobby I almost laughed and never did take him seriously.
Top Salesman: When I told the sales team that I was now the top salesman, I got laughed out of the room.
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If you would have told me then that golf would out-rate tennis, I would have laughed at you.
People laugh at me when I say that, but they laughed at me when I said I wanted to be singer, and I'm a singer now.
Hinojosa: There were some rumors about that in t he papers several months ago, and most of the New Yorkers I spoke to laughed and said sure we'd vote for him why not?
Mel laughed when I told him where I was and that Costco was my idea of heaven.
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And everybody in the dressing room laughed and I said, well, I'm Patti Austin and I'm a singer too.
They laughed as I ran with them -- probably thinking who is this crazy foreign person carrying a little hand-held camera.
Samantha laughed when I asked her if she recognised this.
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When she got horribly lost walking the simple 100m route from her hotel to my flat in Beirut last week, she laughed when I suggested cruelly that her monocular situation must have meant she was walking round in circles.
Both men laughed, and I wondered if my joke had implied more than I understood.
"At 208 mph, you have no friends--but me, " Greco laughed, as I climbed from the car.
Dhani laughed again when I asked him if the story of Siti Jenar's death is true, and if he's been compared to the prophet.
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Mr. BEN JARVIS (Affirmation Member): And all of the other boys in the class laughed, but I just sat there completely stunned because I finally had a word for what it was that I was feeling.
He laughed and said that I passed on my own though we both knew the truth.