For example, he told -- he says that he told his aides, quote, "I never had sex with her" as it was defined in his mind.
"I've wished a million times I had never heard of that money, " laments Coram, who blames her tax troubles for a stroke she had last year.
"I have never had any intimate relations with her, " Mr Berlusconi said.
When I watched her working like she had never done before, I could feel the click.
Holding her, I realized I had never before touched a dead human body.
My mom had hurt my feelings, disappointed me repeatedly over the years, yet I'd never uttered a word and had rarely blamed her.
She had to make friends with the country children, and perhaps explain some things to the town children who had been her friends the year before, but if she had any difficulty with that I never heard about it.
Working on "La Pirogue, " his third feature, was deeply affecting, he said, and the result had made his wife cry "like I've never seen her cry before".
CNN: 'La Pirogue' takes La Croisette: African cinema at Cannes
"I just thought this couldn't happen, but I had to believe it and I just thought I'm never going to see her again, " said Katie, whose parents asked that her last name not be used.
"I had never faced my opponent before, and when she has time she really goes for her shots, so I wanted to get her on the move, " the 25-year-old Sharapova said on the WTA Tour's website.
As you might now predict, there was no girl, no car, and after I walked in and quizzed the attendants about her story, it became embarrassingly clear that there never had been.
But until then, she had no idea: When I inquired about the salary range for her industry, including her colleagues and friends, she admitted that she had never asked.