"I pray to my god, my Allah, that I can stay in Malaysia forever, " she says.
And I pray to offer my thanks for a kind and generous Almighty God.
And I pray his richest blessings on each of you in the days ahead.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast
"I pray that Berea College never falls into the same traps as Cooper Union, " Robinson wrote.
Mr. CROUCH: (Singing) Oh, I love you, I love you, I pray for you.
As I travel across the country folks often ask me what is it that I pray for.
But if I'm wrong, and I pray God I am, what will I have lost, tell me?
Ms. FRANKLIN: (Singing) For those we lose before their time, I pray their souls will find the light.
The speech ends with the words, "I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels".
"I pray every day that that company will call me and say, 'Come on out of there, '" he said.
"I have made this decision with great care and I pray it is the right one, " Mr Bush said.
The chubby American's slacks are to be seen to be believed and I pray they come with a volume control.
But now I pray that America will keep me within its embrace.
"I pray for all who have been harmed, their families, the parishioners and that nothing like this will ever happen again, " Sheehan said.
Ms. LINDA BURKES(ph): I pray every day like, I said, for a car company come to this area, and we pray for it.
We have three grandsons and I pray that they will never have to take someone else's life or experience the terror and horror of war.
"I pray to God that people have enough time to let this register with them and start again, connecting the dots, and understand the contrast between the tickets, " she said.
Not only am I a Muslim when I pray my daily prayers or when I fast during the month of Ramadan, I am also a Muslim when I walk through airport security or in the mall when I accidentally leave a bag of recent purchases unattended.
Lying on the dirt floor of my room looking up at the night sky, I would pray, "Please let me have a pretty doll, " whenever I spotted a shooting star.
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
After my brother started playing the trumpet, however, I would pray, "Please make my brother a big success!"
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
After my operation, " she said, "I will pray for that country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Prayer Breakfast
"If things do not improve, well, I will certainly pray for the Americans and wish them success, but I will no longer be able to take part in this, " he was quoted as saying.
"I want everyone to pray according to Orthodox Jewish religious law, but I don't interfere, " he told Israel's Army Radio.
"Nonetheless I am fairly sure the whole process will lead, I hope and pray, to God choosing someone other than me, " he said.