If I really just want to know what time the meeting is, I may not care that you have updated your status message to point people to photos of your kids.
"I really didn't want to know the truth or anything about my real family, " she recalls.
"I really don't want to, but I don't know where we're going to get jobs at, " she says.
But look, I really - you know, you want to - you misquoted Bill Kristol.
Now, if truth be told, I really don't want the government to know if I am planning a surprise birthday party.
"You get this feeling I can do whatever I want, you know, nothing is going to really hold me back, " said student Calla Chang.
"It's almost like they're attacking me for being me and so to that I can only say, 'Well, I can only be myself, so I don't know really what you want me to do, '" he told "Gwissues" host and interviewer Howard Bragman, a publicist who recently began representing Johnson.
"It's a scary feeling, so I'm really preparing myself for, I don't want to say the worst, but you never know, " she said.
But I really haven't gotten any feedback from people saying we want to know more about health care.
Ms. CHAMBERS: That didn't really sell me on him and I'm a Republican and you want someone to know how money works.
But the thing that I want us all to know and to remember, the answer to these questions is really up to us.
But when managements say they don't want to sell equity because the stock is too cheap, I don't really know what "cheap" means in this context.
I'd have to build up a little bit and all that lot, but you know, it's like, and here's one I really want to go for: caretaker, cleaner job, maintenance, and all that.