"I knew the ban would come to an end and I would come back and carry on where I left off, " he said, adding that he had continued to work on his skills during his time out of the game.
"I just tried to go out there and give it all I had, " said Harden, who left Houston's morning shoot-around because of a lack of energy and then slept all day.
"I was disappointed and I suppose surprised, " said Clark, at being left out of the team in Cardiff.
"I thought they behaved like cowards, and I left, " Mr. Thellier said.
But as I said yesterday, and as I repeated in the meeting that we just left, I ultimately take responsibility for solving this crisis.
"I have family in the United States and I left many friends there, " he said.
He asked about Gareth Barry and I said: 'Well he's got a testimonial and two years left to run and he's our best player.
"I thought it went into the water but when I went to look I saw it was just left of the stream and I had a shot, " said the South African.
"Look, I have this season and I have one more season left on my contract, " he said.
Both partners with whom I spoke firmly and unequivocally said that after he physically left in February 1999, Romney no longer made decisions for Bain regarding investments, hiring, firing or any other management issues.
"I didn't want to totally hammer it because I've a more important race next week but at the same time I felt good running it and didn't feel I left anything out there, " she said.
"I know I was fouled and the ref knows I was fouled but he said he's not calling a foul with 1 second left (on the shot clock), " Henderson said later.
My brother-in-law spoke up and said, oh, I've got a bunch left on my food stamps card, why don't you take this?
When I finished, he said thank you (without making eye contact) and left the room.
"Sadly the chain has been broken now for the Cherry Tree, there are only nine left and I'm devastated, " he said.
"I'm in shock and want to be left alone, " she said after her son was led away.
"I know the players have been bombarded by questions and I hope after today they can be left alone, " he said.
"We started talking about the arts as an opportunity for the university within the first few months after I left Brown as provost and came back here as president, " he said to me in his office.
WSJ: Robert Zimmer | Where Theory and Practice Make Perfect | Cultural Conversation by Joel Henning
"I knew they had left them with them and nobody knew where they were, " Weining said.
"I had another chat with him and left open the possibility for him to apologise, " said the 57-year-old.
BBC: World Cup 2010: France boycott training over Anelka row
"We could see his talent and his passion, but I kept worrying about that left ear, " she said.
"I think it's paranoia between libertarians and the hard left that is unjustified, " Graham said.
"I hope we can all heal and move forward, " said Kelly McKernan, who was crying as she left the service.
When he left, he just got up on the stage and said, 'I am responsible for what is happening and I'm out.
"I've watched the Bronx burn and left for abandoned and now being slowly rebuilt, " said Mark Naison, a professor of African-American studies and history at Fordham University.
"I knew if I hit it short it would have been down and left, if I hit it long it was in the water, " Woods said of his chip.
As a matter of fact, as I left the Senate, as Ben may remember, the Senate historian came in and said -- thinking that he was going to make me feel better -- he pointed out that only 17 senators in American history ever served as long as I did.