"I see a more apathetic response among Facebook users than Facebook might be expecting, " he added.
Every time I see the medal now, I see the village it took to earn it.
To truly appreciate both the size and grandeur of the park, Little suggested I see it from above.
Being in my career with likeminded women, I see many happy marriages, lots of children and little infidelity.
"I can finally look in the mirror and like what I see, " he says.
As I see it, Winter provided an essential piece of evidence to a hugely important case.
The way I see it, we need to put financial resources into addressing Medicare fraud.
Mark, reading over I see my language was far more aggressive than I intended.
When people act against their self-interest I see a flashing neon sign: Interesting Psychology Here!
The one area where I see the Facebook Job Board being useful is for entry-level jobs.
FORBES: Will Facebook's Job Board Compete With Or Threaten LinkedIn?
"I see things to indicate pricing will be far more stable than last year, " he said.
It seems like I see my friend Montek Ahluwalia somewhere every two or three months.
WHITEHOUSE: The U.S.-India Economic Relationship in the 21st Century
And within a few seconds, I see another girl come out of the bedroom.
We've got some first class schools and I go round schools and I see sheer inspiration.
So, I see it as very general purpose, and I see it as really big.
Even when I am at school, I am tense because I see security men standing nearby.
Unfortunately, hiring primarily for domain expertise is a common mistake I see CEOs and boards make.
But I see that in the polls, most Americans say this frontloading process doesn't bother them.
Adding it all together, I see a big petroleum price increase around the corner.
I'm still not sure how I will feel once I see it for myself.
Not until after midnight did I see a sight that made me cry out "Yeehaw!"
WSJ: Merrill Markoe on a Dark and Lonely Road Trip | Traveler's Tale
So I see what the issues are on either side of the debate there.
But I see it as part of the same ladder up in human liberation.
I'll buy that --- the next time I see FBI agents writing speeding tickets.
CNN: Commentary: Local police shouldn't enforce immigration law
If I see them start to utilize the capital, I will be long on large-cap stocks.
FORBES: Bullish Sentiment Plunged Over Concerns About Middle East, Rising Interest Rates
"The danger I see is the pendulum swinging toward conservatism, or paralysis, " says Alastair J.
And I see each year they get smarter and more mature with their messages and behaviors.
What I see is not a solvable problem the way the world works today.
What I see is a bunch of economies whose citizens are making less money than before.