None of this takes away from the fact that I still can't picture John Kerry and Teresa actually kissing.
Last weekend I did something I still can't believe: I actually ran a 5K. And I owe it all to scheduling!
"I still can't believe how cool it is that my life will be portrayed on the big screen, " the songwriter said.
Disney and his team of animators figured this out long ago (I still can't watch the scene where Dumbo visits his incarcerated mother).
Although I still can't look at a fruit fly without cringing just a little, I went on to take his biochemistry class and excelled.
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"I still can't believe it, it's a pretty surreal moment, " reflected O'Connor, who was mobbed by his ecstatic team-mates on the final whistle in Hong Kong.
"I still can't watch highlights from that game, " Tom Brady said Monday morning on Boston's WEEI radio, during an interview in which his toddler son cutely fussed in the background.
"I still can't believe this is happening, " he said.
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Worse yet, when the taller of the two missed a 5-foot putt, he went on endlessly about how unfair the greens were, even pausing midaddress on the next tee to reiterate: "I still can't believe that thing broke left, " he whined.
WSJ: Joys and Perils of the Single Walk-On Golfer | Golf Journal
When my husband and I were furnishing the house, we were scrambling to pack (I still can picture the movers leaning against their truck, picking their fingernails with box cutters, while we rushed around trailing rolls of bubble wrap and hearing the ticking of the many-dollars-per-hour meter in our heads).
I've won a lot and I feel if I keep playing the way I am I can still achieve a bit more.
The Raines family ate beans so often "I'm amazed I can still eat them, " Frank says now.
You can do simultaneous voice and data, so if I'm on the phone, I can still browse the Web.
At eight I jumped through a window, and I can still remember how the glass billowed and held me before it exploded.
This way, even if I only have a few minutes to work on it before I turn in for the night, I can still do something useful.
Alas I am not a designer, I am merely a writer but, I can still perhaps help paint the picture in your collective heads by showing you the following image I found via Google Images.
I'll never forget one particular owner, I can still see him and his store on Seventh Avenue and 125th Street.
"There is still hope and I believe something can still be done, " the Tykes captain said.
"If I go to a hotel and George Washington slept there, I can still read it, " he said.
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It was absolutely amazing and although I was only 11 and nearly 60 years has gone by I can still remember that.
There were three all-night cafeterias in Harvard Square the year I arrived for law school--1964--and I can still name them all (my favorite was Albiani's).
I'm still not sure I can bring myself to try oranges again though...
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To this day, I can still see and feel just about everything about that moment.
"I can still remember when people didn't even want to hold renminbi, " she says.
My cholesterol will be lower in a few days and I can still eat everything.
And I can still remember winding up the path up a mountain to his home.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast