And I suppose that information came to you because you continued to press the case.
At that moment he did not feel like a rival but I suppose that is what will happen.
Gov. CRIST: Well, I suppose that argument could be made, and so that probably is not an unreasonable time.
And I suppose that no appreciation of the man is possible without taking a comparative survey of both those capacities.
"I suppose that's the risk you're willing to take, " Ms. Vear said.
However, I suppose that I should welcome the silence as supporting my belief that the market will continue to buck the general expectations.
But I suppose that's exactly what trailers are looking for: something iconic, lasts less than a second, and shakes the seats in the theater.
Since you are probably reading this on a computer, I suppose that I do not have to explain the conceit that forms the basis for the idea.
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But I suppose that's also the source of my skepticism regarding facials: The reason you have crow's feet in the first place is because you're getting old.
"I suppose that 10% mortgage rates, red ink at the companies or a major shift in demographics (immigration, household formations, aging population) would get me to change my tune, " he says.
"It's a very strong working relationship with all the parties, and I must be doing something right because they all criticise me at some time so I suppose that I'm equally unfair to everybody, " she added.
"I suppose that temptation kept them alive for as long as it did - which was only about five or six years, but I think I had more than once attempted to disband the group, " he said.
So while I suppose that it is possible that Russian infant mortality increased at the exact same time that new far more stringent criteria were being applied, it is far more likely that Russian infant mortality stayed about the same but appeared to increase because the new standards capture a larger universe of infant deaths.
Yes they were rather informal but nevertheless I think that they all had their place in the jigsaw puzzle I suppose, that brought us to '94 and ceasefires and subsequently the Good Friday Agreement.
Now if I was paid enough and if I was a scientist, I suppose I could tell you that there's no evidence that any of this stuff is related to global warming.
The risk, I suppose, is that at the same time they might be titillating their audiences.
And, and what about, looking at other areas, I suppose you think that defence spending should go up?
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There is a genuine commitment to the ecological cost but I suppose the fact that we have a very strong economic reason to take action adds to the urgency.
But if you want to sell back Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 3 and Skyrim to help you pay for half the cost of a physical copy of the game on launch day, I suppose you have that right.
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This is a lot to expect from a bunch of GS-15s. (That refers to the government pay grade in which officials earn in the low six figures.) I suppose the gamble is that giving them enough power will make them better people.
My early interest in cooking was, I suppose, a clue that I'd become a chef.
The Thorpe case was I suppose the first one that brought you to big national attention.
However it works, I suppose we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
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"I suppose it is possible that people have an agenda, " Dr Paxton says.
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But suppose that I plan to pull the money out in 20 years.
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Now there is a problem of sequence, I suppose, which is that clearly Egypt needs a new constitution and a new constitutional arrangement, but also there are elections planned in September.
That I suppose, loftily, would be my operatic ambition.
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But when i get to the age when i am suppose to collect the benefits that senors do today, i get a voucher that will cost me more out of pocket than they pay today?
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