If I had LOVED my career in finance, I would have surely felt more confident when socializing.
But if it had, the left and the mainstream media--but, as Thomas Friedman would say, "I repeat"--surely would have been outraged.
Any advice or life guidance that I might bestow on these two young men would surely be met with the feeling that I was a hypocrite.
Well based upon the findings from the WSL Strategic Retail report I would say it surely does not appear so.
Surely I thought, my next post would be on either of these fittingly weighty topics.
My life would surely be much more amusing if I were living in his fictitious Bacchanalia with a gangsta-rap soundtrack.
There would surely be tough political battles ahead, but I was positive change was on the horizon.
But with contracts stating explicit financial penalties for non-compliance for both student-athletes and schools, combined with the use of local law enforcement and a collaborative preventative partnership with the NFL, there is reason to hope that these steps would surely help curtail the incidence of cheating in Division I athletics in general and college football specifically.
Had they seen my quivering hand as I signed an insurance waiver and my fumbling attempt to equip myself they would surely have taken pity on me.
And, you know, not that I was looking for someone to take my place, but I surely expected that, you know, when Lauryn came out, that there would be other people who came out and kind of said something.
In practice, the Bundesbank would surely have to take the entire hit - and then, I suppose, it could sue Italy, Spain and the rest for compensation.
In 2013, we'll surely see a few new chargers, including, I hope, some production-ready induction units that would let you juice up your ride without having to drag a thick, heavy, filthy cable out of the trunk every time.
Either way, I could imagine it taking off in a big way if they actually build it, though Web owners would surely be frustrated by a screen that could be pulled down over their sites with content over which they would have no control.
It was a wonder to me why someone would spend this much time buying a car he could have surely purchased minutes from home, so I asked him why.