"If I were to look at this study and if it is shown to be true, I would think maybe I should be worrying less that I'm wearing a size 12 and focus on how I feel, " said Servoss, a 44-year-old nurse whose BMI fluctuates from 24 to 26.
But I think there's New Orleans fatigue, not - and it's become old news and I think that's sad and I think maybe we need to bring some of the issues about the rebuilding of New Orleans back into the news, and I think violence - senseless violence like this has become part and parcel of how it goes down in New Orleans, sadly.
So I do it, but I do it, I think thousands, maybe millions, of Americans would do just as well.
NPR: Managing The $30 Million 'One Fund' To Aid Boston Victims
You know, I'm not sure, I think maybe because women are more honest about their emotions.
And I would note, as the President did last week, that I think Congressman Ryan has called wind energy a fad, and I think maybe Mitt Romney -- Governor Romney called it imaginary.
And because of that, I think - I think that the average fan maybe has made their peace a little bit more with steroids than, say, the people that cover sports have.
"I don't know when I will get married but I think after eight years maybe, after completing my education and being established in the society, " she says.
And I said to him, 'Well, do you think I should' -- I don't think I said get rid of -- I said, 'But do you think I should put away or maybe give to Betty or give to someone the gifts?
CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement
And I think - and maybe I'll be deported or something like this for saying this, Michel - by cutting the interest rates, he will encourage more merges and acquisition activity among private equity and hedge funds.
In general I think we've signed up maybe 30 musicians so I think we have hit our quota, but we need to find others to create a balance.
BBC: Man seeks strangers on London Underground for orchestra
For me it was a nice personal kind of a journey, so I think maybe that is why Chris is saying I was always the one who said, 'Let's do that.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - More X-Files movies a possibility
As you point out, I was very active in local government, but I'm really running as a guy that started up a business from scratch, and I think maybe that experience is pretty good in the halls of the U.S. Senate - somebody who hasn't been on the public payroll but has met a payroll.
Change isn't - well, we need a change, but I think maybe one seat wouldn't make the difference and I could therefore vote my conscience.
As you said, during the debt ceiling debate, a very solid majority -- I think maybe even higher than 70 percent -- agreed with the approach that I talked about, which was we should have a balanced approach to deficit reduction.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on the American Jobs Act
And I think even after the interview, maybe I get a year or two, even after that because I see the Iraqis.
That's the basic idea, which I think he transmits through maybe what could be seen as fairly obvious device, but I think it works tremendously well in this event.
I've been listening to his interviews in the media and he is very enthusiastic, maybe too enthusiastic at times, but I think he could maybe make a good manager.
Well, he certainly has to go to the American League, and I think maybe a team like Anaheim.
And I think maybe we are entering into theological territory here as well as psychological territory.
"I think maybe this should be perhaps taken as a good practise story, " he added.
BBC: Quinton Barham's coach want first aid lessons in schools
"If we have another one, sometimes I think maybe you should move, " she said.
And I think maybe this season he's remembered what he was here for.
So, look, I think maybe the tell of this is law enforcement that continue to do a superb job in keeping us safe.
"So many times things get back to the money issue, and I think maybe they're trying to get people to understand it, " she says.
"I think maybe this is the reason the referee started the second half very strange, " he said in reference to the award of Stoke's penalty.
"I think that maybe is the Greek in me, " she giggles, admitting that she does like to throw herself around the stage a little bit.
And Sasha, you know, I think maybe to endear myself to her, she decided she wanted to join a basketball team, so what more could I want?
And I think maybe the writer of this article may have coined a new term called wiki-paigning to kind of describe all the Internet efforts behind Ron Paul.
Essentially, the campaign managers here are repeatedly bringing up the bad weather, I think maybe downplaying expectations because some of worst weather was in the areas of the state that where the most Republican, the most conservative and the most evangelical.
So maybe instead of thinking low-skilled natives deserve help the most, you think Haitian refugees are most deserving, and maybe I think it is orphans from Bangladesh.
FORBES: Low-Skilled Immigration Opponents Should Favor Market Based Immigration