"I hope with every grain of my soul, that I'll be able to come back and be a better rugby player than I was, and I think I will be, " he told BBC 5 Live.
Let me just pick up on one point that Senator Kerry made -- I think people in Minnesota, and I think it will be this way with people around the country, and I think this is what Senator Lugar has been trying to say all along.
Milly has been in, but Tate is only two-and-a-half so I don't think I will be seeing him until I go home.
Because I think the Anglo-American model will win, I think fortunes will be made buying the euro at depressed levels.
But I think, in aggregate, I think investors will be better off.
I'm a strong, strong supporter of nurses and I appreciate the role that they play and I'm looking forward to expanding that role because I think it will be important to do so in the future of health care as I see it.
It could be Bayern or Barcelona, I just don't think i t will be Real Madrid v Chelsea and we know why.
And there will be a debate that I think will be a big part of the 2010 election, particularly as it relates to -- I mean, look, that was the centerpiece of the economic policies of the previous eight years.
And I think in the end, I do think there will be a bipartisan vote on this.
"If I do not play on Saturday I think that will be my last chance, " added the disconsolate Ferrer.
It's good to be fast, but I think the McLarens are quick here -- I don't think they were pushing hard this afternoon and I think it will be much closer tomorrow.
Devices will be accessible and affordable, and I think they will be brought to work by people who want high performance high functioning tools, and I think that will drive enterprise adoption.
FORBES: Microsoft Windows 8 Faces Slow Adoption In The Enterprise
"I don't think they understand what this plant is capable of doing and once they see that, I think that they will be well aware of the situation, and I think they could probably give us some help, " he said.
So I don't think there will be -- I think the Israelis understand the policy approach that this President has taken and what our view is of what Iranian behavior is about, what our view is of the time and space that still is there for us to continue to pursue the diplomatic path -- isolating Iran, pressuring Iran to change its behavior.
"I might not be around next season but I think the team will be even better, " said Thompson.
And I think that they'll probably talk a lot about that, which is I think will be very interesting for them.
"I know him (Stokes) from Sunderland and I think he will be a very good signing, " said Murphy.
"I cannot recommend eating something from Chernobyl, but I think it will be possible at some stage, " Hajduch said.
If I can make it through these first turns, I think it will be a long and really great run.
But as I've also said up here, Helen, I think it will be many months of hundreds of thousands of jobs lost until we see the economy fully turn around.
But the rest of the state, 'real' Virginia, if you will, I think will be very responsive to Sen.
And I think he will be, as I said earlier, pressured, isolated, will become -- and will have to make some choices going forward.
This, I would think when I was young, will be the year I'll be as curious as Lucy in Narnia, as courageous as Scout in Mockingbird, or as cunning as Nancy Drew.
There are some things that will be put in place that are not a part of the trials or will be a part of subsequent world championships that I think will be quite exciting.
His predecessor, Cheryl Gillan, told the BBC: "I'm worried about my old area - Wales - which I think will be blighted partly by the proposals".
Sure, I am adding one small step to the shopping process, but I think people will be put up with one extra click, in exchange for getting cash back.
We think President Karzai understands the steps that must be taken to strengthen that, and I think that will be discussed throughout his time in Washington this week.
' No I don't, and I think it very likely the next thing I publish will be for children.
It may be debated but I think it will be mostly so that people have an opportunity to make debating points with the public.
As part of the tradition of the State of the Union address, I think it will be broadly cast, but I don't want to get into percentages about how much on domestic issues, how much on international, which ones have more attention.