"I've seen a lot of bad QBs, but I've not seen any good ones, " Wyatt said.
WSJ: Robert Griffin III: A Name the Redskins Hope Sticks - Jason Gay
"I've seen Andy since 1996, and I don't know if I've ever seen him not have his slider, " Girardi said.
Mr. TAYLOR: (Singing) Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain.
I've worked on Wall Street for many years, I've seen bad times on Wall Street, and this does not compare with what I've seen in the past.
I've seen it in our teachers and firefighters, nurses and police officers, small business owners and union workers, I've seen it in the men and women of our military.
But, you know what, over the last three and a half years, I have taken strength from you, the American people. (Applause.) Because I've seen your resilience, I've seen folks get knocked down and get right back up.
"I've been working in psychiatry for 20 years and I've never seen psychotropic medications turn a child around as quickly as I've seen antibiotics turn a Pandas child around, " says Tanya Murphy, director of the Rothman Center for Pediatric Neuropsychiatry at the University of South Florida.
"And all the ones that I've observed and I've watched and I've seen, somewhere they've always gotten better, " said Heat President Pat Riley, talking about all the game's stars that he's witnessed in his 46 NBA years.
"I've already seen it from a distance, but I've never seen it up close and it's not the same, " he said while visiting in Times Square.
"That's the best I've seen him play since I've been here, " Rangers coach John Tortorella said.
But I've seen something else as I've gone through those cities and towns.
I've seen the photos and I've read the press releases. (Laughter.) So it must be doing something right.
"I've seen worse, and I've heard worse, " he said.
WSJ: Jason Gay: Stevie Johnson's Controversial Interpretive Dance
And, within five minutes, we've conceded probably the strangest goal I've ever seen since I've been managing.
I've been around, and I've seen young people, both men and women, overly excited about older, mature, successful individuals, yes.
CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal
"I've got no reports that I've seen that talk about people who think they might have recovered debris, " Nick Johnson, Nasa's chief scientist for orbital debris at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, told reporters during a media teleconference.
In the 17 years I've been a professional journalist, I've seen unqualified white men, white women and, yes, minorities hired and promoted, and affirmative action had nothing to do with it.
"The America he describes as confident and strong is not the America I've seen as I travel across this country, " the Connecticut senator said, adding people are "fearful" about their economic situations, the rising cost of health care and the lack of security they face when it comes to retirement.
And I think at this age, I've seen a lot of the world, I've met different people, and I'm ready to compromise.
Well, this last year -- I refer it to like a tsunami hitting the economy -- has given us more opportunity to reinvent in the last seven or eight months than I've seen in the last 25 years that I've been president of Ethan Allen.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth
In every discussion that I've had with Indian businesses, what I've seen is that our countries are matched up in a way that allows for enormous win-win potential.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House
Mr. BAMFORD: Well, the reason I decided to join the lawsuit is I've written about NSA for nearly a quarter of a century, and in the past when I've seen that NSA has been accused, what I thought was accused wrongly, of eavesdropping.
I've fought my whole life against cheating and I've seen some obvious cases where UEFA didn't intervene.
Mr. DEVON REESE (Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors): I've been here all my life, and I've seen it go through its peaks and valleys.
For four years, Barack has been fighting to give every single one of us a fair shot at that great American Dream, no matter what we look like or where we come from or who we love. (Applause.) And for four years, we have all seen what I've seen for the past 23 years.
As a new aviation enthusiast, I've written about the low level of entrepreneurial energy I've seen here.
"I've seen people die all over the world, but I've never been this upset or angry in my career, " Segatore said.
CNN: Nurses relied on trauma experience to help bombing wounded
"I think Wales have gone forward - I've watched Wales play some of the best football I've seen them play, " Speed told the BBC's Sport Wales programme.
"I've been watching the club for 36 years, I've seen the highs and lows, and that has to be the best, it beats the lot - exceptional, " said Jones.