"There is no other club I would want to play for and now I just want to concentrate on helping Leeds stay in the Premiership, " said Paul.
I'm there in that place now, and I want other women to be able to experience that too.
And to move the analogy forward that I used in the campaign, I think what they want right now is the Democrats and the Republicans both pushing some more to get the car on level ground.
"To be honest, I know it's probably best to say I want to win it in the ring and do it the right way, but right now I just want the belt, " he said.
"I have to look at myself now and be selfish in what I want to do, " he said.
I've already admitted that losing the captaincy hurt but that's in the past and all I want to do now is move forward and carry on giving my best for England.
And now I want every homeowner in America to have that chance.
"In my view, capital is now a commodity and I don't want to be in a commodity industry, " she says.
And what I explained was, is that in the America that I want to see 20 years from, 30 years from now, 40 years from now, we are building on the basic precept that anybody in this country can make it if they try.
As chief executive of the company, I feel a deep sense of responsibility for the people we have hurt and I want to reiterate how sorry I am for what we now know to have taken place, Brooks wrote in her resignation letter.
The hard work really starts now though and I want to wrap him up in cotton wool.
Now, I want to say what everyone here in Holland and everybody here in Michigan knows too well, which is that these have been some pretty tough times.
If your morale compass is now in-right, if what I want to do is take care of my family, what I want to do is take care of my kids, what I want to do is make a difference in the world, but I want to do the way I want to do it.
Now, I just want to say, as I said in my opening remarks, the process has been less than pretty.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
Now, back when -- I want to put this in perspective, especially for the young people, especially for new voters.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Sterling, VA
My daughter is in the Navy right now so, you know, I want to give a salute to your guest there.
When I ask safari industry insiders in neighboring countries where they most want to travel right now, almost all give the same answer: on a walking safari in Zimbabwe.
And by the way, I just want to warn you, even though we now have every committee in Congress having voted out a bill and we're closer than we've ever been, this is when the insurance companies are really going to start gearing up, because now they're -- their stock went down when the Senate Finance Committee voted out that bill.
Now, I want to draw your attention to three important words in that last sentence.
"Now that I'm in the tournament, I just want to play as well as I can and maybe reassess things going into the last day, " McIlroy told the official PGA Tour website.
Now, in light of the ongoing events in Japan, I want to just take a minute to talk about nuclear power.
"If you want to talk about security, I would say right now the electronic voting devices in Nevada are the most secure devices in the country right now, " Heller says.
But I think the vast majority of voters and the folks I talked to in the labor movement - they want to know where the candidates are right now on the economy, healthcare, pensions.
Now, first of all, what I want to do is, in a decade, I want us to have cut by one-third the amount of oil that we imported when I was elected to this office.
Now, finally, I just think it makes sense for us to give it up for all of our outstanding American athletes who are competing in London right now. (Applause.) I want to congratulate Michael Phelps -- (applause) -- most medals we've ever seen.
Since we trade in real-time and market participants want value added now, I put together the buy points and strategies of the past few weeks along with a new one if you want to be involved in what can be another big run in the fourth quarter.
In response to assessments like these, some states have upped their game -- I want to point to Massachusetts as an example, where eighth graders now tie for first in science around the world.
We're having a fight right now because I want to charge Wall Street a modest fee to repay taxpayers in full for saving their skins in a time of need. (Applause.) We want our money back. (Applause.) We want our money back.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
But I now want to turn it over to Secretary Vilsack who has been a phenomenal partner in this effort.