He said, 'I want to do this project with you guys, and I want this to blow up.
He said it made him ask "do I really want to do this" and paid tribute to his wife saying she "sustains me the most".
In this post I want to help you understand how to do this too, because at a local level people are creating an amazing business ecosystem through tweets.
I'm going to be very brief, because usually what I want to do in a setting like this is to take questions and provide comments or get advice.
"I didn't want to do this here, but I've met someone else, and he's a lot like you, except he likes me for me, and we are getting married, " Stefon said.
So what I want to do to accelerate this recovery is to allow businesses of all sizes to immediately deduct the entire cost of these investments -- 100 percent -- all next year, through the end of 2011.
And I'll be happy to be interrupted if you feel inclined to do so because I want this to be accurate.
Even though the insurance companies had until September to comply with this rule, my administration asked them to do so immediately to avoid coverage gaps for young adults -- and I want to thank those companies that agreed to do this.
And when it comes to education, when it comes to education -- and I'm speaking to teachers here and educators -- let me say this, I want to do some truth-telling here.
Dr Evan Harris, a former Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon and a former hospital doctor, said the prompted choice pilot would still allow people to "skip the question" of donating their organs by selecting the "I do not want to answer this now" option.
I've never seen one minute of doubt in his mind, not one minute where he said 'I don't want to do this'.
Finally, as we go through the allegations and the evidence that I will be discussing, please ask yourself: What witness do I want to hear about this issue?
One of the things that -- and I've talked to Karen about this -- one of the things I want to do, though, is to get some of those good programs out into the community and a little more proactive.
WHITEHOUSE: Helping Small Businesses Grow and Create New Jobs
And as that contract comes to a close, you begin thinking, 'Jeez, do I want to continue doing this for another three or four years, or have I done enough?
And I want you to remember why we do this in the first place.
But I want to make sure that we do this responsibly.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Scranton, Pennsylvania | The White House
"We sympathize with them because very often, people do feel they are tied down to rules and regulations and don't have autonomy, and people say, 'I'm going to disregard this, and I'm going to do what I want to do, ' " Rapping added.
"I know it's a big risk to do this, but I still want to try to spread the cycling culture to the Hong Kong people, " Fu said.
Obviously we are mindful that -- as I think I said this the other day, that we are -- we do not want to see -- this is not a purely academic exercise.
"I want to make sure that they never do this again, to anybody, " she said.
And I do want to very quickly comment on this issue about the conflict that women of color, specifically African-American women, are having.
"We're hopeful, but I do want to underscore the seriousness of this injury and the fact that we all have to be extremely patient, " Lemole said.
"This is my second time living in Brazil and it's something I failed to do the first time, so I want to make sure I get there this time, " wrote Darlington.
'I don't want to do (any) more burpees so I'm going to stop this.
The Conservative Party has to do more to its structure to bring more in, to make sure that we have more opportunity to get them through as member of parliament, I want to do that as much if not more than anybody else but this idea that members of the party want to stigmatise the party.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Conservative leadership contender Iain Duncan Smith
"I did not want to do it, but because I really needed my job and he implied that this was a condition of recertification, I reluctantly gave him the password, " he told Maryland lawmakers, who are considering outlawing the practice.
But do I want this badly enough to deny a worthwhile charity a donation?
FORBES: Dear Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga: Please don't make me choose