Mr. DANIELS: (As Bernard Berkman) 'Cause I love you and I want to see you as much as your mother does.
Well, I want to see you fired up and ready to go, because this will not happen without you.
And so I want to see him, you know, in person and see if he's going to act(ph).
And let me, yes, just say to all the Bears fans, Bulls fans, White Sox fans, and Cubs fans -- (laughter)-- I want to see all of you sometime soon, as well.
And so I want to spend some time telling you how I see this problem and talking about some of the things that I want to do to address it, because I believe that the next president will not have a minute to waste.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
So I want you to promise that the next time you see those teachers, that you give them a big thank you, not just for yourselves but also from me.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at White House Science Fair
"I want you all to see the riv-er the way I see the riv-er, " he says, letting the word roll out slowly, a promise of ineffable revelations to come.
If it's as simple as sitting around in a circle answering questions or being in a room shaking a hand or giving a hug or reading a story, I want you all to see me and to see Barack, and to have access to whatever we can offer.
WHITEHOUSE: Roundtable with the First Lady and Mary's Center Teen Program | The White House
From now on I don't want to see your face, if you do show your face, I will shoot you in the head.
BBC: Afghan judge Zahorudin recorded on tape 'seeking bribe'
And when you get home, I want you all to log on to and see how you can get involved.
Since I realize you would want to see the list, here are the 50 stocks that yield 5% or more.
Part of the reason I want to pass this trade deal is you see a whole bunch of Korean cars here in the United States and you don't see any American cars in Korea.
So if you see me getting in some arguments in Washington, I want you to be clear.
You see, I think it's helpful, if you want to run the economy, to have actually had a job in the private sector, which I've had.
It gives me really great comfort to see that, and I want to thank you all.
Frankly, I think, you know, we want to see Obama ahead in all of them, that's the key, which he is right now.
Whether that money -- you know, whether that money is used for bonuses, whether that money is used to recoup what the taxpayers lent, it's all that same group of money, and I think what you see people that want to defend big banks say just certainly doesn't make any sense.
"I want to come over and see the kids, and see you, and, you know, "see the house.
CNN: Tom Cruise: Life, love and the pursuit of good film work
With that, I want to wish everybody, if I don't see you guys before Christmas, a Happy Christmas -- a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks After Meeting with Community Bank CEOs | The White House
You see him speaking and you say to yourself, 'I don't want that man to have a gun.
CNN: Piers Morgan, radio host who wants him deported face off
"I witnessed panic, which you don't ever want to see, " Rivers said.
And all I want to say is let me know if you see this guy named Barack Obama, because he sounds pretty frightening.
But before you start talking about censorship, I want to see some proof.
FORBES: Ralph Nader Calls Violent Video Games 'Electronic Child Molesters'
"When I see that happen, I don't want to tell you now, but I feel a little scared when I was pitching, " De La Rosa said.
Mr. WHITE: If you believe trying to find long-term solutions to the cultural divides that exist, between the folks who were the perpetrators of these murders, and those who were--I don't want to call them victims--then you should see this film.
And the American people don't, and I promise you the people of the Gulf don't want to see it either.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Gives Oil Spill Update from New Orleans