"He said 'it wasn't me, I wasn't there, I wasn't working those days', " he continued.
I'm asking questions that I wasn't addressing before and doing things that I wasn't doing before.
And after the last nine months, you know I wasn't kidding. (Laughter.) I wasn't kidding about it being hard.
I'm not Catalan, I wasn't born in Madrid, I wasn't raised by either club and I didn't leave anyone on bad terms.
Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I wasn't working and collecting checks.
' I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind last night because I wasn't sure what the (extent) of Matt's injury was, and whether it was going to take a couple of days or longer.
"Unfortunately, until recently she wasn't ready to publicly speak about it - thus, I wasn't able to mention any of it in my book, " he said.
"I was struggling in the first half with a sore Achilles and I wasn't sure if I would make it to half-time to see the doctor and get a pain-killing injection, " Henson explained.
In other words, "I wouldn't expect my daughter to be any good at maths because I wasn't any good" might not be just a matter of poor parental attitude.
In Rome I tried to do things I wasn't comfortable with because I thought that's how I should play.
"By the time I left high school, even though I wasn't covering golf, I felt like I had been covering golf, " he said.
WSJ: Dan Jenkins, Finding the Humor in Golf | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
For them it's just being provocative on stage, and they couldn't understand that, and I wasn't allowed to go on the tour with them.
When I started probably I was too keen to prove I wasn't a genre writer: now I help readers get into the book more easily and get the story going more quickly.
"I had a job to go to that Monday, and I knew I was on parole, and I knew I wasn't supposed to be drinking, and I'm like 'Oh, my God, '" he told CNN.
In fact, the first few days I sort of felt cheated, or maybe even a little bit hungry, because I wasn't able to eat meat, but I found that this is mostly psychological, that as long as you have protein in some form, whether it's beans or tofu, and you get used to it, it's really - you don't feel like you're missing much at all.
So, I wasn't trying to get her to say something that wasn't so.
"Before I came here a lot of people thought I wasn't good enough to play for Liverpool but I think I have shown I am, " stated Skrtel.
But because I took myself out of it I wasn't as hard as it could have been, as I just got on with my own thing.
"I was in my nightgown at noon, and I wasn't getting at the job search very fast, and I thought, 'this is instructive, ' " she said, laughing.
"I wasn't really there, my feet weren't moving -- I don't know what happened, " she told the official WTA website.
So he started off his lecture by saying: there is no way of avoiding this, we can't avoid talking about what happened yesterday and the whole class apparently - I wasn't there, he was there - was just utterly silent from the start.
"I've got to be honest I wasn't really interested in the fight, the guy was ranked 109 in the world, I didn't think it was going to be much of a match, but obviously it was, " he said.
He beat (Novak) Djokovic before in Miami so I wasn't expecting it to be easy.
Thousands of people dressed exactly alike reminded me that I wasn't in Kansas anymore.
"It would be the understatement of my life to say I wasn't thrilled, " Finebaum said.
"If I wasn't a Mohamed, I would still want to target this market, " he says.
"I wasn't going to lose, not today, not with my dad here, " Kerr said.
"I wasn't surprised because I know he's out of his head for God's sakes, " he said.