During my visit in 2010, I went to the countryside south of Rome for a traditional Easter lunch with Italian family friends.
BBC: Easter in Rome
This was all brought home to me when I went to the small New South Wales town of Gulargambone.
BBC: Deserting the bush
Every day, I went to the tearoom two doors to the south, with its carp pond in the garden and its shelves of trophies commemorating giant fish within.
BBC: The walk that made me love Japan
"I thought it went into the water but when I went to look I saw it was just left of the stream and I had a shot, " said the South African.
BBC: SPORT | Golf | Els begins well in Dunhill bid
Mr. Gorman would be pleased to know that Pinotage represented but a small percentage of the South African wines at the two where I went shopping recently.
WSJ: Does Much-Unloved Pinotage Deserve Another Look? | On Wine by Lettie Teague