So I will do so with what my grandmother used to tell me was the Irishman's blessing.
If I submit my absentee ballot in the election, I will do so for no reason beyond conviction and enjoyment.
Just as they have adapted and grown stronger with each of the other changes, I know they will do so again.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs Repeal of Don��t Ask, Don��t Tell
Throughout my career, I have strived to make my name synonymous with high character, values and integrity, and I will continue to do so.
Injustice, and the pain it inflicts on a person, you can never remove it unless you find some justice and I will continue to do so.
And I trust they will do so soon.
WHITEHOUSE: Change of Command, End of Combat Operations Ceremony
And I know that you will do so with the same sense of purpose, the same sense of patriotism that have defined your days at this Academy.
And if the law, in its majesty, should decide that I need to spend a night in jail over this episode, then I will be happy to do so.
I'm a strong, strong supporter of nurses and I appreciate the role that they play and I'm looking forward to expanding that role because I think it will be important to do so in the future of health care as I see it.
Later: We have enjoyed traveling the world and I expect we will continue to do so in the future.
Obviously we are watching and monitoring very closely a very fluid and dynamic situation, so I will do my best to answer some of your immediate questions.
Most are well behaved, but not all of them, and as a cyclist you do not know which ones will run out in front of you (it is about 1 in 10 which are off-lead that will do so I have found).
I'm ready for everything, so we will see what I can do on court.
"As a contract worker I got fired, so I want to know what the candidates will do about the issue of unemployment, " she says.
"Nor do I anticipate that we will be meeting to discuss the matter, although I would be perfectly happy to do so if he wished, " he added.
So I'm not particularly worried that I wrote a book or that so many people will do this that it'll stop working.
So perhaps in the future I will do some original research, but for this piece we took the best we could find and referenced every number so people would know where they came from.
WSJ: America's Newest Profession: Blogging – Mark Penn,
The U.S. Open is his best surface so I think he will do it.
CNN: Tennis legends tip Murray for grand slam glory at U.S. Open
And I have it because so often they too will come to these sessions that I do and ask questions.
Although there is a lot at stake, I imagine far more will be disinclined to do so this time round.
And, as I've always said, we will do so -- we will close the prison in a manner that keeps the American people safe and secure.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Press After Security Meeting
When I chair a meeting in which I know all participants, I usually do all of the introductions so that I can guarantee that everyone will at least have a chance of knowing who everyone else is and what they can contribute.
We could lose a lot of people who won't even get to the emergency room if we don't do it, so I do want you to know that I hope the message will go across the country to the places I've visited and the other places that we know this is going to be a problem, and we're going to deal with it.
Brands that do so successfully, I predict, will also recognize and respect the new marketing consciousness.
They are also coming from further away so I do not think there will be a problem.
So, my reaction to that was like when I'll have a beautiful neighborhood with beautiful buildings, and with fancy kids walking around and looking so spoiled and beautiful, I will do that.
He even demoed the unit on a new Toshiba 52-ish inch 1080p DLP, which did the progressive deinterlace conversion on the set, so I assume most 1080p sets will do the same with interlaced content.