Drinks ordered on the rocks are chilled via large spherical ice cubes that both look elegant and melt more slowly.
Beverage companies infuse their TV and radio spots with enticing sounds of liquids pouring and ice cubes clinking.
To raise the pile on my rug, ice cubes are melting on dents in the rug where furniture was relocated.
The footlocker-size ice cubes are plucked from the water by crane and fitted into the walk-in palace on the shore.
My favorite was the guy that took a picture of ice cubes claiming it was golf ball sized hail falling in his backyard.
The capsules containing items such as sweets, matches and ice cubes were carried into the earth's atmosphere by two high altitude balloons on Friday.
Suchen looked at the slice of lemon floating among the ice cubes in her glass and blushed, as though the man were her companion.
We crave a simple hot cup of tea with a splash of milk while they insist on adding ice cubes and a slice of lemon.
These crystals, the size of ice cubes, are grown slowly in ovens heated as high as 980 degrees Celsius, increasing by just one centimeter a day.
And if it was really hot he sometimes suffered from nosebleeds and had to lie on his back indoors with a flannel and ice cubes pressed to his face.
There was never room for ice cubes.
CNN: Great Depression holds lessons for surviving tough economy
The collector basically looks like a tennis racket filled with ice cubes, so this is kind of like a big ice-cube tray, and each ice cube is not made out of ice, but it's made out of this aerogel.
David Wondrich, a cocktail expert with a great sense of humor and an amazing drinking pedigree dove right in weaving the history of polar exploration with the rise of cocktail culture at the end of the 19th century, and while he was talking Mr. Lee chipped quietly away at his precious ice blocks, crafting hand-hewn ice cubes for a later use.