And you will pass a golf course, and see four hackers out there dressed for ice fishing, moving slowly, knocking a fluorescent orange ball across a fairway thick with snow.
WSJ: Jason Gay: Your Outdoor Sports Survival Guide
New this year, Northern Lights Golf, with rounds played (fingers crossed) under the Aurora Borealis's glow, joins an activities roster bristling with rugged pursuits like snowmobiling, ice fishing, snowshoeing and dog sledding.
WSJ: New Heights: Winter Sports Holidays With a Difference | Carving Fresh Ski Tracks
Mr. Van Eperen, the volunteer guard, speared a sturgeon the first time he went out for the ice-fishing season in 1995.
WSJ: Standing Guard for the Sturgeon
On a recent Friday, he walked over to the Ice Hole from his own fishing shack, to fish and have a few drinks with a friend.
WSJ: Fishing Is Just Not the Same Without a Very Cold Brew
By the grim standards of Europe's farrowing sheds, millions of seals enjoy a blissful life fishing and breeding on the Canadian ice.
ECONOMIST: Seal hunting
His friends would ask him about "the game with the fishing net" and he would explain it was like ice hockey - fast and hazardous.
BBC: Lacrosse matches in 2012 and 1923
The 68-mile route to the fishing town of Ullapool is a relatively recent addition to a landscape forged in the Ice Age, when melting glaciers gouged its long, deep valleys and seawater-filled lochs and fjords.
BBC: The perfect trip: The Scottish Highlands