So engineering will feel that it is not really important to the idea-generation process and will just try to do its best to interpret what it thinks top management wants.
Applied Marketing Science of Waltham, Massachusetts is working with MIT's Sloan School of Management on a Web tool that turns idea-generation into a challenging game, where players are rewarded for building on the suggestions of others and earn points that translate into cash or prizes.
"Let's be honest, I think it's the younger generation who like the idea of a vertical pier and the not-so-young generation who like the idea of a traditional pier, " Mr Dunning said.
This vast company creates more products in a year than any visionary could possibly conceive and it does so within a Korean company culture not historically inclined toward bottom-up idea generation.
Our team emphasizes internal idea generation, in-depth bottom-up research and independent analysis of each value stock monitored or owned by our clients.
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Despite the age-old idea that each generation is more reckless than the last, Bieber and his famous peers don't appear to be rebelling so much as they're just getting older.
The advance provides evidence to support a controversial idea, called multiple-exciton generation (MEG), which theorizes that it is possible for an electron that has absorbed light energy, called an exciton, to transfer that energy to more than one electron, resulting in more electricity from the same amount of absorbed light.
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That was the same argument the financial industry used to kill off the defined-benefit pension plans our grandparents relied on in order to sell a new generation of savers on the idea that 401-Ks had the potential for higher returns.
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Still, this sort of user-created content generation is an excellent idea for all involved.
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It was an idea hatched by Interior Secretary Salazar, a fifth-generation resident of the San Luis Valley.
FORBES: Hedge Fund Giant Louis Bacon's Bold Mission To Save The American West
While these internal markets are rare, a growing body of research suggests that giving employees a voice in decision-making, from performance assessment to idea generation, tends to result in higher employee satisfaction even, in some cases, greater profitability and productivity, according to USC's Mr. Lawler.
"What I think Disney is doing is smart, " said Machos, who thinks it's a good idea to re-establish "Tron" for a new generation.
Although Dr Michel has not yet applied his idea to an entire chip, he has shown that the electricity-generation part of the process can be made to work perfectly well in a system of channels like those found in a 3D chip.
Deco fell out of fashion when a new generation of designers took the idea a step further: Seeing even Deco's stripped-down decorative elements as excessive, they eliminated them altogether.
WSJ: Touring Asia's Art Deco Gems in Shanghai and Napier, New Zealand
Labour's intention was to ease the pressure on the squeezed middle, and also generate the idea of the British promise, the thinking being the next generation of youngsters should do better than their parents - but there were still a lot of questions around the policy, our correspondent added.
The idea of obtaining more energy from off-shore and Arctic oil and gas deposits and accelerating the construction of a new generation of nuclear plants will continue to receive at least presidential lip service.
The types of start-ups they seek are: next generation e-commerce, marketplaces, systems that leverage social data, and influencer networks (the idea that individuals make up the power of a network moreso than the platform itself).