If you are a non-identical twin the risk falls to around 10 percent in most studies.
He had an identical twin named Jeno, who was last seen by Allied doctors in Auschwitz.
Now he is looking for A 7734: The number of his identical twin brother.
DNA. Epigenetics may, for example, explain how one identical twin develops schizophrenia whereas the other does not.
If they were completely genetic, then if one identical twin had the condition, the other would always be doomed.
"William's uncle Charles Spencer has identical twin daughters and his grandfather Lord Fermoy was an identical twin, " he says.
Mike said he didn't feel comfortable talking about his identical twin Mark, who died on United Airlines Flight 175.
Jonathan, who is Kevin's identical twin, had to settle for a Silver Spike.
James McKinney, is McKinney's identical twin and is based at the Army's Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Monroe, Virginia.
Krok, along with his identical twin brother Solly Krok, made his first fortune selling skin-lightening creams during the apartheid era.
But my son who's currently there, he has an identical twin who could very easily go back at some point.
Police who are investigating a series of sexual assaults in the southern French city of Marseille have arrested identical twin brothers.
They'd had experience with cancer: Gigi and her identical twin sister, Jade, were found to have leukemia shortly after their first birthday.
If you are an identical twin and your twin has bipolar disorder you have a 50 percent chance of having or getting it yourself.
Patients who receive a bone marrow transplant from an identical twin relapse half the time, perhaps because the twins share nearly identical immune systems.
The authors, identical twin sisters called Charlotte and Harriet Childress, "are researchers and consultants on social and political issues, " whatever that means, according to their Post shirttail bio.
The festival has no parallel in southern Europe, but it's Christmas's non-identical twin: it holds a special place in the national psyche with its own customs, memories and social pressure.
His connection was not fast enough to view the live stream of his identical twin Kevin competing in the USA at midnight and he wondered whether he could watch it in my room.
Space station commander Scott Kelly, whose identical twin brother Mark Kelly is married to Giffords and is also an astronaut, led NASA in a moment of silence Monday as part of the national observance for all the victims of Saturday's shooting.
She and her partner found out about the Danish option on the internet and now have a family consisting of two mothers, identical twin boys who are nearly five months old, and a girl of two, all fathered by the same anonymous Danish man.
The Twin Research Unit is looking to extend their work to identify the exact genes responsible in this and other disease areas and would like to hear from Twin Volunteers aged over 18, either identical or particularly non-identical who can call the twin hotline on 0990-770099.
If you are a twin (identical or non-identical) aged over 15 who would like to volunteer to join the 10, 000 twins on the register of the Twin Research Unit at St Thomas' Hospital, call 020 7188 5555.
Dr. Pedersen, a professor in the department of medical epidemiology and biostatistics at Karolinska Institute, currently studies dementia among twins, including the recent research showing that an identical sibling of a twin with dementia has an increased risk of also developing the condition.
WSJ: Twins Health Registry Is Treasure Trove for Medical Research
Referred to as the "towers" by architect Mr. Kaiser, the twin homes are almost identical in layout.
However, the study, at the hospital's twin research unit, found that identical twins were more likely to have a similar number of moles than twins who are not identical.
The purpose of separating these twin telescopes at birth, as it were, is to provide identical instruments to astronomers who need to make exactly comparable observations in both hemispheres.