Unfortunately, in practice his policy usually means enriching Democratic interest groups, advancing liberal ideology, or both.
This was a tough decision for states, because it pitted ideology against, of all things, ideology!
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The Nazis believed there was room on the planet for only one ideology and one race.
And though there is a tougher contest among the Democrats, it is not one of ideology.
He succeeded not because of his ideology but, to some extent, in spite of it.
My conclusion: Republicans were hurt when voters doubted their competence, Democrats when voters opposed their ideology.
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Diane Abbott resigned from the committee in January, calling it a front for anti-abortion ideology.
Mr Obama presented the debate as a clash between political ideology and scientific progress.
The big question is how biologically determined are things such as intelligence, political ideology, etc.
Neither side has been immune from their ideology getting in the way of stimulus, however.
So, it's not that puzzling that a paranoid ideology has grown up in places like Afghanistan.
CNN: Sebastian Junger: The bin Laden tape and the war in Afghanistan
But ideology is just a pejorative word for principles in which you happen not to believe.
Opposition is fine, even necessary, but it has to be rooted in ideas, not blind ideology.
When asked this week about the greatest influence on his ideology, Breivik's answer was simple.
"We come here as friends" of Egyptians, not favoring a particular group, person or ideology.
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Similar mystical ideology has been attached to complicated systems since the beginning of time.
And so far, the ideology has worked, with a few challenges along the way.
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Political calculation, not just ideology, argues for the Tories jealously guarding these policy briefs.
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And so they have rejected this violent ideology for the most part -- overwhelmingly.
Their objections are really false fronts for their anti-market ideology of price setting and government control.
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Many saw him as the torch-bearer of the party's old ideology after Mr Lafontaine's exit.
Mr Hague himself is too cautious to get carried away by rarefied discussions of ideology.
In the Obama administration, we have had the epitome of the Blame America First ideology.
Yet they may reckon that the need for a consistent ideology outweighs other considerations.
The fox keeps an open mind, adjusts theory to evidence and is wary of ideology.
It doesn't belong to any ideology and it doesn't belong to any political party.
Voters were more likely registering a protest at the economy than repudiating an ideology.
It is shaped more by vested financial and political interests than by ideology or geopolitics.
Since neither party has a clear ideology, Paraguayan elections hinge on partisan enthusiasm and get-out-the-vote efforts.
Congress seems divided over whether to confront the organisation and its ideology, or ignore them.