We sat on the curb in front of a band of idle musicians and began to drink.
Idle soldiers were usually put to use maintaining roads, building parks, planting trees, landscaping and even collecting trash.
He said life in space was extremely busy, with no spare time to be idle.
OnStar can force a moving vehicle to slow down to idle by electronically disconnecting the accelerator.
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Fedeagro, the farmers' federation, blames any idle land on the government's lack of an agricultural policy.
He also owns a busy fish-and-chip shop in the district of Idle in Bradford, Yorkshire.
In simulations run without the auction, some of the ambulances were left standing idle.
This idle listening often consumes as much power as actively sending and receiving messages all day.
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Neither is he interested in idle conversation, as I found when I met him last week.
Virtually all of the car company's plants and many of its supplier factories stand idle.
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Intel's most powerful chip, with 2 billion circuits, draws 130 watts even when idle.
Sensible charity offers a minimal safety net to prevent starvation or exposure, not provide idle comfort.
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Its workers were not the idle and unreasonable men that formed the caricature of 1970s strikers.
But the idle Wolverines need to move into the top 14 of the final standings.
The rest are free to idle through a brief coda to their long subterranean lives.
Both teams have 46 points, two more than the eighth-place New York Rangers, who were idle.
Fearful lest idle young people turn rebellious, Saudi leaders want to put them to work.
One day while fishing in the Yellowstone River, Field thought about his big, expensive--and mostly idle--press.
When growth resumed, idle plant and workers could easily be brought back into action.
Idle Games has been building their first social game, Idle Worship, for two years now.
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During the day, the New York server runs at capacity while the Boston server sits idle.
In November, it will be moved to a plant in Michigan, leaving Spring Hill's plant idle.
In terms of football autobiographies, Fallen Idle has a brutal honesty reminiscent of Tony Adams' Addicted.
Even today, the Obama administration comes up a fat zero in idle talking points.
For those using prime, it means that cash must sit idle for longer periods of time.
Helena claims that three-quarters of Brazil's youth are idle - no jobs, no schooling.
Meanwhile a huge portion of their labor pools sit idle, watching their skills deteriorate.
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We have plenty of idle resources, the private sector is simply choosing not to employ them.
As a result, much of Asia's plentiful high-tech money is sitting idle for lack of talent.
Idle time had fallen to 24% of total rig days, from 34% in 2007.