"If I wasn't already married, I would marry you right away, " Mrs Berlusconi accused him of telling women at a TV awards dinner.
BBC: In quotes: Italy's Silvio Berlusconi in his own words
"Before, if you wanted to buy my apartment, you'd have had to marry me, then I could donate it to you, " he says.
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' And I thought: 'Why don't you marry a banker if you want a house with a pool, or why don't you become a banker?
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If you're gonna marry somebody sheerly for a wad of cash, I guess Liz Hurley would be an incredible coup, but Stiller and Hurley suddenly shift gears after a couple of non-committal scenes and start acting like their marriage is the real thing, with no explanation whatsoever.
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Even if it comes to where, you know, the music and film kind of marry, you know, I think I'll always do music.
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