It's obvious that I would say yes if you ask me if I would love to coach Chelsea.
Nothing about those people changed- they would have been there for me, ready to say yes if I had called them a year ago.
If yes, I would say to look back to late 2010 and see how the outcome was and that probably will be what will happen in 2011 into 2012.
His face was pleasant, his brow high, his mouth gentle, and his brown eyes warmly inquisitive, as if to say, Yes, I like you, and yes, I want to know more about you.
"When I applied for a job in Iowa in 2009 and they asked me if I had any affiliations to animal protection groups, I would have had to say yes, I wouldn't have gotten the job and I wouldn't have been able to expose the conditions that raised questions about the egg industry there, " he told BBC News.
And at the end of that tour, I asked black men in New York City if I came back, would they come out to hear what I have to say to black men, and they said yes.
King did speak those words, in Memphis two months before he was shot dead there in 1968, but they were prefaced by a caveat: ""Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice.
But if you ask whether we needed to do more, I would say also yes.
Of course, whenever anybody asks me if I'm excited about anything, I tend to not want to say yes.
"If the gaffer were to ask me if I'd be ready for the bench against Spurs, I'd say 'yes' without hesitation, " Smith told the Manchester Evening News.
If David answered: "Yes, I am afraid", Amin I feared, would say: "Well, you've every reason to be afraid".
He inquired if Blatand, my name, was English, and, resisting the urge to say yes, I admitted that I was from Copenhagen.
If that's what you want to do, there are plenty of people willing to say yes, I am not one of them.