If I understand you correctly, you believe that part or all of your refund was withheld inappropriately as a result of using a RAL (refund anticipation loan).
FORBES: Sunday Mailbag: The Edition Where I Talk About Tax Pros
If I understand you correctly, your primary reason for shunning equities is that the incontestable need for baby boomers to liquidate their retirement savings over the next few decades while fewer young savers come in to take their place will necessarily put massive pressure on equity prices.
FORBES: 6 Reasons Why I Don't Invest In The U.S. Stock Market
Also, I wonder if you understand that 960x540 is one quarter of the resolution of 1920x1080, not just half.
Mr. CHAZZ PALMINTERI: (As Frank Pacelli): I can understand if you say no, Darrell.
And excuse me if I rather insist that you understand the old economics before trying to build a new such for a better world.
FORBES: Occupy London: Falling at the First Step for GDP != Turnover
"I understand if your boss is telling you you can't do it, " the dispatcher said.
This is as far back as the Falklands War we found this out so you understand if I'm rather reticent to go into that.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Dr John Reid MP, Secretary for Northern Ireland
And just one thing I want you all to understand: If you have any doubt about the difference that you can make, I just want you to remember that in the end, this election could all come down to those last few thousand people who register to vote.
If you are Cuban or Puerto Rican, you will understand why I am taking the time to say where I am from.
If you want to understand one nation, Mr Miliband, I'll show you one nation.
BBC: Tory conference: Cash announced for regional road plans
If you can acknowledge reasonable usage in these contexts, I fail to understand how you cannot extend the same to internet culture.
FORBES: Enders Game, Orson Scott Card, and People who Hide Behind Pen Names
As a long term holder of KNDI, I understand your frustration, but If you had been following the China press, particularly yesterday and today, you would have realized that the long awaited approval from Hangzhou for its 20, 000 EV program is finally about to happen with KNDI as the only logical participant.
OK, I can understand it if it were me, or you perhaps, importing things.
FORBES: Apple v. Samsung: An 88% Of Value Bond On All Imports? Ouch!
But what I want our young people to understand is that if you keep showing up, if we as a country keep showing up and fighting that good fight and doing what we know in our hearts is right, then eventually we get there.
But I think the commissioner and I, with all due respect, has to understand if you believe that there isn't some type of betting or attempts at fixing a game in any sport, including the National Basketball Association, then he has been blinded for the decades that he spent as commissioner.
So if all this has you reaching for the Maalox or the Dramamine, I understand.
"I said, 'If you were reading this, you would understand, ' " Ms. Beit says.
WSJ: How Kindle, Nook and iPad Fuel Sales of Erotica for Women
Yesterday, President defended former President Clinton, saying, you know, if it were my wife, I can understand that.
Obviously, you have situations where they can escalate out of control, but I will tell you: If you communicate and just demonstrate that you understand and have some empathy for the person and why they're there and how you happened to get there, you can de-escalate and you can prevent most of these situations from occurring.
"If you looked at them properly as to what they were, I don't quite understand why it wasn't questioned, " she said.
And I think it's important, particularly for business leaders here, to understand that fact, that if you see a complete collapse in state and local government spending on basic needs, that that could create a very bad business climate for all of you.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Closes Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth