If it is true that scientific collaboration has involved a non-trivial number of scientists from developing countries, these are normally visiting scientists.
And if it is true that underconnectivity is indeed the main problem, then treatments might be developed to stimulate the growth of the white-matter wiring.
And if it is true that the part earns the award at least as much as the player, Erin Brockovich was a part to die for.
But if it is true then climate change stops being a looming diaster threatening all we hold dear and becomes instead just a minor background effect.
FORBES: Maybe Climate Change Just Really Isn't A Problem After All?
The reason I find it shocking is that because if it is true my profession (I am a CPA) is pointlessly torturing a generation of young professionals.
FORBES: CPA to Tax Policy Wonks - Can You at Least Look at Our Numbers ?
If it is true, however, that steady to higher inflation is a precondition for rising stock prices in the current decade, the signals from the Federal Reserve are not encouraging.
Q22: If it is true that the actions are too individualistic and best suited to people who live in rich developed countries, why might Al Gore still have developed such a list?
If it is true that Apple products are bought for the brand name (something I think entirely uncontroversial) then by definition they are restricting themselves to that top portion of the marketplace.
If it is true, as the whispers in Ankara suggest, that a three-sided coalition led by Mr Ecevit might delay the election supposed to take place by April, and hang on to power beyond 1999, that concern may well deepen.
"If it is true that the mechanism is all about rays enhancing diffuse radiation, it would mean that 'global dimming' and 'global brightening' would have a big effect on tree growth and therefore on the absorption of carbon dioxide, " warns Ms Dengel.
If it is true that we may expect a decline in the availability of cheap crude oil, and hence diesel and petrol fuels, upon which essentially all world transportation, manufacture and the production and transportation of food, and thus global growth depend, the news on the CO2 emission front must be good.
If it is true that more mines are being lifted annually than are being laid, then by Ms. Williams's own logic there is no justification for the ICBL's focus on political activities, and every reason to shift the emphasis to the practical tasks of clearance, medical aid and rehabilitation of the wounded and of their land.
And the NBA should never sign on to something before knowing it if is true or not.
FORBES: Eddie Jordan And Rutgers President Should Be Fired For Coach's False Bio
"It's a dereliction of their duty, a dereliction of service, and we need to get to the bottom of it if that is true, " David Cameron said.
It if is true about your advice on this particular situation, then I would urge you in common decency to have the courtesy of informing me just on what evidence you base your decision upon and your reasons for then drawing your conclusions.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Dr Chai Patel's letter
"The Syrian Coalition strongly condemns this act - if it is revealed to be true, " it said in a statement.
If this is true it raises the deepest questions about economic policy.
If that is true it should have been investigated immediately.
If this is true it would explain why British Foreign Secretary William Hague, who is in Washington next week, has said it should be the US's highest priority - he already knows it will be.
BBC: John Kerry moves up Middle East on Foggy Bottom to-do list
"If I were to look at this study and if it is shown to be true, I would think maybe I should be worrying less that I'm wearing a size 12 and focus on how I feel, " said Servoss, a 44-year-old nurse whose BMI fluctuates from 24 to 26.
It is merely a matter of applying an agreed-upon set of rules (for instance, that any thing is equal to itself, or that if something is true for all members of a set of objects, it is true for any one specific object) to a set of agreed-upon structures, such as sets of objects.
It would be great if this were not true, but it is true and woe betide the woman who simply complains about inequity in the workplace.
Significant interest rate discounts offered by online financing sources are advertisements, like everything else, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.
FORBES: A Look Behind The Curtain: How To Choose A Mortgage Lender
I'm afraid it's true that it is different if it's your own people who have died, and again particularly if it's young children.
If this is true, it certainly is not evidence of political sophistication, but rather its opposite.
As the saying goes, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
The pat answer-if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is-isn't bad advice, but isn't always enough.