Mr Tsvangirai's spokesman Luke Tamborinyoka told the BBC that the MDC would scrap the law if it won elections.
Anheuser said this week that if it won, it would not combine Harbin with Tsingtao, China's largest brewer, in which it has a 9.9% stake.
The club wanted to hold a parade on Thursday, the day after the final, if it won, but the Metropolitan Police, Transport for London and local councils said a parade on a weekday evening "would bring severe rush hour disruption and chaos to west London".
It could if more tax evasion revelations affecting members of the government were to come out but it probably won't if it acts swiftly and Cahuzac remains the only black sheep on the horizon.
So, not only can the headset automatically switch a call or song from your phone to the headset when you put it on, but even if it's paired it won't ring the headset unless it's actually on your ear.
The Little Devil chassis used for the purpose of this demo has an LED screen displaying the -40-degree operating temperature, but you won't need it: the system automatically shuts down if it gets too cold, and it won't boot into Windows until Phase Change is up and running.
ENGADGET: A closer look at Origin PC's Phase Change cooling system (and its new gaming laptops too)
"We were going into an unknown ... and ultimately you don't know if it will or won't work, " he said.
"Antarctica is so cold that even if warming occurs it won't melt" at the rate seen in Greenland, said Ian Joughin, a glaciologist at the University of Washington in Seattle and a co-author of the new paper.
Which means that even if Dole can lay out an agenda that voters might crave, it won't matter if he can't get it to the table while it's still hot.
Legal analyst Joshua Rozenberg said if he won, it would be a landmark case.
"Even if it survives, it won't be able to abide by the bailout program, " he said.
If AIG fails, it won't mean all of its underlying subsidiaries are unsound.
Some professors and gurus argue that the markets will not continue falling and why, even if they do, it won't affect the U.S. economy.
Perhaps one of the other cities would have won if it had offered a real program for building an economy that could create jobs for its poor.
FORBES: What Mayor Bloomberg's Challenge Might Be Telling Us About U.S. Cities
So far, there is no guarantee that exporting gas will be commercially viable, and even if it is, Cyprus won't export the gas until 2018, according to some estimates.
Even if I don't score until the end of the season it won't matter if we win the Champions League and the FA Cup.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Drogba targets medals above goals
They may be wrong, but it's what they really believe even if many of them won't say it anymore.
But if he does lose, it won't be to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
If that future exists, it won't be Geron that will now lead the way.
Legal analyst Joshua Rozenberg previously said if Mr Catt won, it would be a landmark case.
BBC: Campaigner John Catt wins appeal over extremism database
"The crowd was incredible and I don't know if we could have won it without them, " he said.
Though the vote is non-binding it could, if won, add pressure on the government to postpone its decision.
Feddis adds that if it seems likely that customers won't be able to pay their debts, it's in no one's interest for them to continue racking up charges.
However, the downside of a strategy based entirely on fear is that even if it succeeds now, it won't help to define the proper terms for a genuine solution in the future.