Some of the kitchen-sink allegations against the Marshalls are clearly overblown, if not wrong.
But pinning mofongo to a specific place in Puerto Rico is challenging, if not outright impossible.
So, if not the coffee, then what explains the prolificacy of the coffee house?
In some countries if not in all, organic farms tend to be smaller than their conventional neighbours.
And, if not, how does it adapt to such a radical change in circumstances?
If not, you may be missing a huge opportunity to make your customers the star.
While some are valid, many are questionable, if not fabricated entirely out of whole cloth.
FORBES: Going Postal: How Congress Has Failed Its Shareholders
More often, a low risk stock is a mediocre, if not a laggard performer.
FORBES: Two Low-Risk Stocks That Are Also Mighty Market Achievers
To the great benefit of patients, even if not the privileges and incomes of oncologists.
FORBES: IBM's Watson: Maybe The Doctors Will Strangle It At Birth
If not, you should reconsider your promise to do it all over again in a year!
The full extent of Spanish financial humiliation will be clearer, if not fully known.
Perhaps it was a simple act of kindness, admirable in intent if not in execution.
If not, then Skilling will be released and a new trial will be set in place.
Another problem with endovascular repair, for the insurance company if not the patient, is cost.
If not, profits will be decimated, which will then feed into lower consumer incomes.
But the response process can nonetheless be tedious and costly if not properly managed.
If not, their Eden will end up as a green version of a gated community.
Then again, I did help predict this revolution, if not in time, than in form.
In fact, this is hardly any news at all, since IBM is nothing if not planned.
These changes also have nice benefits that last for a long time, if not a lifetime.
The decline in commodity ETPs assets would have been worse if not for the precious-metals sector.
The grandiose Barack Obama was the personification of that attitude, if not a caricature of it.
So, if not in a pocket, how will people, especially men, carry the PlayBook?
But does it also enmesh, if not totally muzzle, quite a number of important backbench figures.
If not, the whole ratification by conduct thing and quantum meruit considerations get quite antsy.
FORBES: FINRA Arbitrators Slam Both Parties in Consolidated Employment Disputes
Solutions also have to be easy and at least amusing if not outright fun.
FORBES: Clinton Applauds Carter Kostler (Age 14) at Health Matters Conference
So the bottom-fishers are out in force -- checking their gear, if not yet actually casting.
In my opinion, the spectacular returns many funds quote are fraudulent-if not outright, then by omission.
FORBES: Pensions Funds: Funding Unsavory Practices of Venture Capitalists (May 1, 2000)
The wealthy make most, if not all their expensive purchases online and circumvent state sales taxes!
FORBES: The Highest Paid JPMorgan Executive? Not CEO Jamie Dimon
So why re-sign him, if not as an atta-boy for another job well done?
FORBES: Steubenville Football Coach Gets New Contract, But It Could Be Signed In Pencil