If they would only - if they were only here they would understand the X-Y-Z.
The stakes are too high to continue to hypothesis that if only teachers taught better and if only schools were more positive and less punitive, then education would be great or no student would be left behind.
Peter, I believe we share a pretty big page since I do in fact believe the middle class will survive only if greed is tempered with accountability and only if we fund the programs necessary to build men and women who have a strong sense of their value because their education, training and experience has made them valuable.
FORBES: "The Economy" Not Acceptable Answer to Your Request for a Raise
From an evolutionary viewpoint, a function can be assigned to a DNA sequence if and only if it is possible to destroy it.
My belief is that the brand will retain its star status if and only if the ride is worth cheering about and the value is there.
This will only occur if they can sell more, which will only be accomplished if we end this budget-balancing foolishness and increase the deficit and debt.
FORBES: The Real Impact of Quantitative Easing (Next to Nothing!)
Not only is this one of the only times, if not the only time Berkshire Hathaway has partnered with a private equity firm to take on debt and acquire a company, but Mr. Buffett has expressed disdain for the private equity model itself in the past.
Companies can use a short form--which simply identifies the plant and the chemical found there--only if they release less than 500 pounds of just one chemical and only if that chemical is not considered one of the most hazardous substances.
According to Halperin, the United States is justified in its intervention if, and only if, these principles have been met.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination -- First Edition
The public sector pays if, and only if, the intervention is successful.
It is a journey which the voters will re-join him on if, and only if, they believe he has learnt from his mistakes.
This will indeed accomplish our goal over time if, and only if, across the entire private sector institutions and individuals alike reset goals and values.
The Macedonian government, headed by Slavs in coalition with Albanians, has told the West that it can hold the lid on ethnic tensions if, and only if, western aid keeps rolling in.
If, and only if, the amount of money Medicare spends per person goes up faster than the consumer price index, the panel will make recommendations to Congress on how to get Medicare to spend less.
For an hour and a half they spoke about how to solve what Icelandic President Grimsson called, "the most fundamental question of the 21st century": energy and whether there will ever be enough alternative sources of power to satisfy global demand if, and only if, the world manages to shake its addiction to oil and other fossil fuels.
Obama announced new "presidential policy guidelines" last week on the standards his administration has been using when deciding to launch lethal strikes, including a guideline to strike a target only if it presents an "imminent threat" to U.S. national security and only if the target cannot be captured.
Now here is the unsurprising conclusion: only if investors start demanding that the government pay four or five percentage points more to borrow, only if the interest rate were to rise to what Italy has been paying recently, would the UK's big debt become unaffordable.
Before: You could only tag someone if you were friends with them, and you could only tag a Page if you had liked it.
And the administration agreed to give waivers to those governors and others only if they had a credible plan to increase employment by 20 percent and they could keep the waivers only if they did increase employment.
FORBES: Clinton, Romney and the Hidden Fight Over Welfare Reform
Imagine if you could only show your house three times a year if you were trying to sell it, or if you were trying to sell your car but could only show it three times a year.
FORBES: Government Shuts Down Yard Sale of Woman Raising Money to Pay for Medical Bills
In October, the full NCAA board will decide whether to formally adopt the proposed new anti-violence rules, and even if they do, they will only succeed if advocates nationwide are vocal and persistent about demanding that Emmert take a similarly strong stand against all sexual violence, not only scandals that rise to a level of virtual child sex trafficking.
But it will be no surprise if the foundation eventually adopts a softer line, if only to avoid nasty headlines like last week's.
If you only extend -- if you extend the tax cuts for everybody making up to a million dollars, that means everybody making more than that gets a significant tax cut on their first million dollars in earning.
This may or may not be a result of climate change, but experts give warning that if the predicted increase in temperatures does come about, if only by one or two degrees, the borderlands will become unsustainable.
That is the TFR only goes up if women really are having more children on average, not if there are simply more children being born overall, and life expectancy goes up only if there are declines in age-specific mortality.
Even if he had he would only get a reward if the IRS collects.
If you feel only half interested, if you find yourself more excited by your leisure time, then most likely you have not chosen a field that engages you.
FORBES: Robert Greene: How to Become the Master of Any Skill
United can be confirmed as champions if they defeat Stoke on Monday night, but only if City lose to Tottenham the previous day.
As a result, I presented a plan that committed me to hitting a clear and unambiguous revenue target if and only if engineering would commit to making the upgrades on time.