The SDLP's John Dallat said that if realised the project would generate thousands of jobs for local areas.
If fully realised, the two-year spending spree would amount to about 16% of China's annual gross domestic product.
But Mr Hubbard, for one, thinks things would be different if voters realised who actually pays the tax.
If fully realised, these additions could exceed the capacity of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium's first- and second-phase pipelines to the Russian Black Sea coast.
John McGrath said schools were beginning to realise they were facing difficulties but it was not clear if they realised the full impact over the next four years.
Martyn Day, a solicitor representing four of the men harmed in the study, said his clients would not have taken part in the trial if they had realised how revolutionary it was.
Dr Wu and Mr Pearl realised that if they could stop the handshake happening, they would have a way of dampening the immune system's ability to detect transplanted organs.
The Scottish Government said it would be pressing for a concrete timetable of plans to extend HS2 to Scotland as the full benefits could be realised only if Scotland was involved.
The only reason it's even being agreed upon now is because the wealthy and influential have realised that if they don't come to a consensus, their own wallets will suffer too.
Macmillan realised that if the American Congress knew that the fire had been the result of reckless decisions taken to try to produce the-H bomb, they might veto Macmillan and Eisenhower's plans.
And while the government sings the praises of information technology, its potential can be realised only if there is the software and expertise in place in the provinces to take advantage of it.
Dr Chalfie realised that if the GFP gene could be spliced into a chromosome next to the gene for a protein of interest, it would be controlled by the same genetic switch as that protein.
We realised that if you had digital music, music that was digitised that is, then you could store it on flash memory or a hard drive and thus create a music player that could store many more songs that the Sony Walkmans or portable CD players that were the rage at the time.
Physicists have realised that, if brute force is not going to work, they will have to be clever.
If Williams' fears are realised he may only be able to start serious training again in the second week of February.
The bank had realised that even if he was too late for a chargeback, he would still be eligible for a refund under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act.
BBC: Debit card customers tied down by time limit on refunds
But even if Mr Ornstein's fears are realised, a president who cannot legislate has other ways to get things done.
The story of Connor as an assassin is never fully realised: for most, if not all of the game he is a lackey that does everyone elses bidding.
It seems as if India's influential Planning Commission realised this when it warned that the poor state of the country's economy was being forgotten amid the political crisis being faced by the United Front government.
And he said he realised he could lose his business if he was refused further insurance.
If the group's full ambitions are realised it could see a cafe bar built at the front of the building, along with a gallery, dance studios and community rooms.
Since not even the equality-conscious Nordics have yet managed to get rid of the employment gap altogether, it seems unlikely that gains on this scale will be realised in the foreseeable future, if ever, but there is certainly scope for improvement in some rich countries and even more in emerging markets.
But if the worst fears of the temperance lobby are realised, fewer pills will probably be popped.
It seems to have realised that it would seem odd indeed if Asian leaders spent much time talking about anything else.
Is France willing to continue to bear some of the burden of ground operations, and if not, can its broader strategic goals be realised?
America after 1945 realised that its own growth would be imperilled if it did not redistribute massively to Europe.
But if they did want to keep him, they should have realised that the only executive who is likely to accept a pay cut is the one you don't want to keep.
Although she had swum regularly for nearly 25 years, Ms Sherr realised she had to improve her efficiency in the water if she was to complete the Hellespont crossing.
ECONOMIST: Lynn Sherr��s new book offers all the skinny on dipping
Kikkoman, he realised, had to adapt its sauce to the local cuisine if it was going to succeed.