If U.S. officials don't help find a solution, "there will be a lot of upset people, " said Brian Masse, a Canadian New Democratic Party member of parliament, whose Windsor constituency sits across the river from Zug Island.
The only problem: foreign companies that compete against U.S. companies, such as state-owned oil giants, aren't subject to the SEC's regulatory arm if they don't do business in the U.S. That could put American oil companies like ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips and Chevron at a competitive disadvantage to their foreign counterparts, oil advocates say.
Not surprisingly, the European Union has been threatening to give U.S. visitors a rougher time if we don't ease the time limit again: It looks as though the U.S. may be willing to accept digitally scanned photographs instead of biometric chips.
The blacklisted countries are subject to U.S. sanctions if they don't make greater efforts to fight trafficking.
"If we don't do both, U.S. companies simply will not have the talent they need to innovate and compete, " Gates told the House of Representatives' Science and Technology Committee Wednesday.
If we don't believe that increasing U.S. oil production will do much to decrease oil prices, and I think that's still the consensus, we can't simultaneously believe it is disastrous for the climate.
If we don't want to increase U.S. forces in the near term, you know, because of the political liability associated with that, then we have to concentrate our forces much more and take some risk in other parts of the country while we're waiting for the Iraqi security forces to grow.
If the firms don't comply, they could face U.S. tax penalties.
Jobs in the cigarette factories would be lost if smoking in the U.S. actually declines and the manufacturers don't make up for it marketing cigarettes overseas.
One of his big ideas when it comes to corporate tax reform would be to say if you invest overseas, you make profits overseas, you don't have to pay U.S. taxes.
"If we don't add more residencies, we are just replacing the international graduates with U.S. graduates, not creating any more doctors, " said Patrick Dowling, the chairman of family medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.
The southern U.S. has a poorer record here, but don't be deterred if you prefer NASCAR to snowmobiling.
Mr. Lugar "believes it is imperative we keep the verification process going, and he's fearful if we don't do it this session, it would throw a major road block in U.S.-Russian nonproliferation arrangements, " said Mark Helmke, a Lugar spokesman.
WSJ: Republican Sees No Russia Arms-Treaty Approval This Year
Boeing's U.S. customers -- the country's major airlines -- have predicted bankruptcy if they don't get federal help to defray the losses they incurred during the shutdown following the attacks.