Ifyou keep in mind whatcan and often does go wrong, you are likely to find the inner strength to ask questions, even ifyou have to apologize for not saluting the doctor and doing whatyou are told.
In the inn setting, youcan consider yourself respectably attired for such a dignified supper ifyou dress in the cotton kimono provided in your room (bonus: you are dressed in what is essentially a bathrobe and can loosen the sash ifyoufind that the meal was five courses longer than you expected).
Everyone from mutual fund companies, to investment brokers, to the financial media has a vested interest in wanting you to believe that ifyoufind out from them what some of the top performing funds are, you too can earn their skyrocketing returns or at least avoid the losses of others.
Which is why I urge you to check out her work: The answers to the concerns she raises will determine if America can hope to findwhat we need to resuscitate our flagging entrepreneurial spirit.