Look at the words he's used: "outrageous", "intolerable", "inexcusable", and if you didn't get it, "wrong".
Advice: If you didn't buy them when they were more affordable, now is not the time.
In fact, you could easily miss them if you didn't know where to look.
If you didn't know Africa is a hotbed of six-string wizardry, don't feel bad.
Sounds cool, but it would be cooler if you didn't have to wear a phone-size receiver, too.
With its old program, flight credits expired if you didn't fly enough to reach a free ticket.
You have every right to be and nobody would have blamed you if you didn't come today.
You can be a part of the discussion, even if you didn't participate in the boot camp assignments.
Alternatively, consider what your home carrier would charge you if you didn't have a data roaming plan in place.
ENGADGET: iPhoneTrip SIM rental review: the best way to keep your smartphone connected while abroad
Mmm, yes. (Laughter.) You ate what she fixed, and if you didn't eat that, then you didn't eat.
"Before, the whole thing depended on having breakthroughs, and if you didn't have breakthroughs it was downside risk, " Witty says.
We were told that the risk to safety was limited if you didn't touch the stuff, so we wore protective clothing.
So then, if you didn't get it through COBRA, you had to go out and find health insurance on your own.
If you didn't see this one coming from a mile away, then it's clear you haven't been paying much attention.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 launches stateside August 16th starting at $499
To others, you'd look stuffy if you didn't lean in to engage in conversation because you were more concerned with your posture.
If you didn't understand why folks were concerned, perhaps you do now.
ENGADGET: Made in America: could your next phone be homegrown? Mobile
"I felt the tension out there in a situation like that - you wouldn't be human if you didn't feel like that, " said O'Sullivan.
And if you didn't know that you wanted to see Groban and Miss Piggy dueling on "If I Loved You" from "Carousel, " you were foolish to doubt.
If you didn't know anything about a team other than that it had a lot of old players, you'd bet on them being pretty good.
WSJ: New York Yankees: Getting Old Is Nothing to Fear��Tim Marchman
If you didn't, however, then your time might be now -- as one of the oldest scripts know to man is still up for grabs.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 27.10.12: ancient texts, super-Earths and special-ops mice
If you didn't believe it by the end of the first verse, then there was certainly little doubt left in your mind by the bridge.
"If you didn't care you wouldn't be here, " he said earnestly.
"If you didn't know he was being sued for this stuff, you wouldn't even notice, " said one classmate of Mr. Tourre's, who declined to be named.
And even if you didn't make your question, even if it wasn't on this show, we appreciate your submission, and hopefully we'll catch you next time.
However, even if you didn't finish high school or have other factors you can't change, you can still challenge your brain to preserve mental function, Fiocco says.
If you didn't see it, then check out the video.
BBC: European Athletics Championships day five as it happened
We know that the Marine Corps, you guys do a lot of the work, but you couldn't do what you do if you didn't have your families supporting you.