Staff Sergeant Edgar D Bledsoe, of Olive Branch, Illinois, cradles a critically ill Vietnamese infant.
But for McCourtney, 61, sticking with gravely ill portfolio companies is simply part of the Venrock ethos.
When feelings run high, an ill-judged letter can cause as much emotional damage as any dashed-off online posting.
In September 2013 his New York-based company issued a recall after its mold-tainted yogurt cups left hundreds ill.
Her boss objected, so Casey walked out and started a small ad shop in her Naperville, Ill. home.
But it also tends to ridicule the losing side and, in some people's view, can cause ill will.
But, for much of the programme he seems ill at ease and a little awkward.
Then, in mid-March, Kelly revealed in an interview with the State Journal-Register of Springfield, Ill.
She is bright and loves to talk, but she knows she is desperately ill.
Hinds and Murphy were found guilty of ill-treating 12 different outpatients between them at the centre.
BBC: Disabled patients abuse: Two Solar Centre carers guilty
We won't see the true will of the players, for good or ill, until preorders begin.
She came up with the idea for the business in 2007 after falling ill.
In most parts of the developing world, control over resources at the village level is ill-defined.
Gurkiren became ill while visiting the Punjab with her family during the Easter holidays.
The last three finalists were Indian-American, including 13-year-old Pranav Sivakumar from Tower Lakes, Ill.
For good or ill, the home of everyday low prices has become America's biggest political football.
ECONOMIST: The store everyone, except shoppers, loves to hate
She tells me her husband is ill, she has six children and no breadwinner.
The 31-year-old woman, who was identified by her first name Zhang, fell ill on January 10.
Another positive sign: Established stores, such as the Book Stall at Chestnut Court in Winnetka, Ill.
In their experience, they believe 50% of healthcare costs for chronically ill can be avoided.
Even when Lobo's mother became ill with cancer, he was denied permission to visit her.
Convention centers are springing up everywhere, in big cities (Denver, Portland, Ore.) and small (Schaumburg, Ill.).
His 30-foot aluminum rig is full and motoring back toward the dock in Henry, Ill.
In the mid- 1990s the Schaumburg, Ill. electronics giant was showing 25% annual sales growth.
Personally I would not want to get on a plane with people who might be ill!
FORBES: U.S. Is Following China H7N9 Flu "Closely," Sees "Low" Int'l Risk
More than half the patients with confirmed infection have died and others remains seriously ill.
Much of the increase is thanks to higher inventories, which bodes ill for future output.
However, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said this week that Emeritus Pope Benedict was not ill.
Irish names (O'Fallon, Ill.) and French ones (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho) aren't possessives and get by.
WSJ: In U.S., Apostrophes in Place Names Are Practically Against the Law
Instead, the ill-advised promises were listed in the footnotes to the banks' financial statements.