According to figures from analyst firm Forrester, 14% of European internet users engage in illegal file-sharing.
Efforts to prevent illegal immigration in the U.S. today are ignored, underfunded, openly violated or certifiably feckless.
Human rights lawyer Sir Geoffrey Bindman told BBC Radio 4 the Iraq war was an illegal aggressive war.
BBC: Desmond Tutu calls for Blair and Bush to be tried over Iraq
Hiking to the summit, which requires passing through land that is privately owned, has been illegal since 2009.
Romney has loudly criticized rivals Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee for not being tough enough on illegal immigration.
The move comes a year after the Boston Globe newspaper revealed that the company was employing illegal immigrants.
Today supporters of the former prime minister were in court challenging the decision, saying the action was illegal.
Is your view that employers who currently employ illegal immigrants are purposely breaking the law?
Illegal aliens could potentially add millions to the shrinking ranks of America's labor unions.
The documents alleged the three men were involved in illegal-political agitation here in Rawalpindi.
Ultimately, Sinar Mas were accused of indulging in illegal deforestation that was pushing orangutans to extinction.
FORBES: How social media is changing the nature of green campaigns
It called the resolution illegal and illogical and accused the United States of orchestrating the measure.
She took early retirement and sued for illegal gender discrimination under the Civil Rights Act.
Not one of the malign effects of illegal immigration mentioned is inherent to immigration itself.
He said members had not been balloted for strike action, so any participation would be illegal.
Israeli settlements in the West Bank are considered illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.
It distances itself from illegal activities by offering to "coordinate" kidney, liver and lung transplants.
They plan to pepper the court system with dozens of cases of illegal building.
If you are an illegal alien with no identification, welcome to your free health care.
Pearl Gosnell had pleaded guilty to racketeering and performing an illegal abortion past Pennsylvania's 24-week limit.
Mr Key says he refuses to fight in a war he regards as immoral and illegal.
But there's been virtually no debate on that measure, as Congress focuses on illegal immigrants.
But the program's critics say that it amounts to the Internal Revenue Service abetting illegal immigrants.
Fly-tipping the illegal dumping of waste tends to rise slightly as people try to avoid paying.
Mr. Srinivasan told reporters that he won't resign, saying he has done nothing illegal.
It also proposes taking a tougher stance on tenants dealing in illegal drugs from their home.
Officials now point out that merely to circulate such messages without permission is illegal.
All this in addition poaching, illegal burning of forest, illegal trafficking in wildlife, and so on.
Postville schools gladly took the government funding that came with the illegal immigrants' children.
Tim Belay story's fails to mention that those detained and deported are undocumented, illegal workers.